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Rylee's pov:

Recently Paige and I have been going on small dates, and everything was going great.  Also Caitlin and I have been FaceTiming ever since my injury which has helped a lot mentally not get stuck in my head. Between the support of my family and my team, it's easy to forget what the press is saying about me. But sometimes it gets too much. Right now I'm reading an article about the top recruits in the nation and where they are now. Of course I was mentioned but what the article said was mean and now I can't help but feel like they are right

the Article

Rylee Clark

UConn's shooting guard was originally the number one recruit coming out of high school. Many predicted shed have an amazing first year. With the most points scored in high school history and named Gatorade's player of the year many bets were on Clark to win UConn a National championship this year. However it seems that all the fame and glory stoped short as Clark is out for the season with a collarbone injury seen in the UConn vs Tennessee game. Potential a career ending injury as we haven't heard from Clark since the injury 3 weeks ago. Will we have to look at the other Clark; (Caitlin Clark Iowa) to get the job done. If it's one thing about a star is they burn up. Is Rylee Clark's shining fame already burnt up?

I couldn't help but think they were right, I mean I haven't been in the media since but I've been working hard in physical therapy and watching and studying not only the plays but other players on other teams. I was able to show coach different plays that almost every team we face has that they use consistently on us. But what if they are right, what if I burnt up all my potential already? All I could do was cry from frustration of not playing

Paige's pov: 

As I walk in our apartment I notice no one was home so I figured that it would be a good time to clean our room. I mean Rylee is definitely type A and has our room looking like a show room while I on the other hand leave things on the floor and out. But with her injury she hasn't been able to deep clean our room and I wanted to do that for her as a surprise. As I walked into our room I was meet with Rylee sobbing on our bed.

Paige: hey, what's wrong.

Rylee: Did you read the article that just came out about number one recruits and where they are now

Paige: No, I tend not to read articles about me because the hate is too much

Rylee: Well they say that I'm a burnt up star with no potential

Paige: Rylee, that's not true at all. Hey look at me. You're such a strong player. With you helping coach and studying plays. We truly have never been a more cohesive team. Don't you get it Ry your the key to our team the glue that holds us all together. Those stupid reporters don't know what they are writing and plus they don't even know that you started playing basketball again. So tonight when your broadcasting the game show them what your made of. Your freaking Rylee Clark. Your unstoppable and also hot, plus your my girlfriend so your pretty cool

Rylee: Thanks P, you always know what to say to make me feel better. 

The Game

Jeff: Welcome back UConn huskies, tonight is going to be a good game against Maryland. And for those viewers at home your in for a special treat because we have the Rylee Clark also in on the court broadcasting with us today

Rylee: Thank you for having me Jeff, the atmosphere in Gample right now is incredible. 

Amy: So, Rylee what can we expect from this game what are your thoughts what's your insider scoop? 

Rylee: Well, I can say from the past games agains Maryland we can expect a fast pace game. They also have some great starters and new recruits  playing some of which I've played agains. I can say that they are tough and great at defense. But I have confidence in our team. We review the tapes and know what to do. As for an insider scoop I can't say. You know a magician never reveals his secrets. 

Jeff: It's great to have you back on the court how has you healing precess been

Rylee: Yeah, it's been steady. I think the key is always going to practice and physical therapy with a positive mindset and a smile on my face. 80% is mental and the 20% is physical. I hope to be back on the court with my girls soon but I also know the importance of listening to my doctors and trainers because I know they have my best interest at hart and Im so grateful for them as well as my team for helping me through this process. 

The game recap:

As Uconn has one less player on their team, it was Paige, Azzi, KK, Nika, Ice, and Aubry playing. Paige, Azzi, and kk were the leading scores for the night with Nika and Ice having the most assist. The game ended 80- 48 Uconn and it was safe to say Rylee's predictions and studying of tapes helped the team have a 40 point lead the 2 half of the game. 

3rd quarter

Jeff: The UConn huskies have a 40 point lead right now, Rylee what do you think of the teams playing right now

Rylee: Yeah, Im so proud of my team. We are playing aggressive and (Rylee stands up) Just like that Nika. sorry as I was saying we are playing great defense, if you just play back the last play you see Nika spike that ball and shoot it. They are playing smart and aggressive which is what we want. 

Amy: Rylee you mentioned during halftime that you were hoping to get back on the court, do you know when the fans can expect to see you

Rylee: To be honest I'm not entirely sure. I want to be on the court but I know how important it is as an athlete to not rush the headlining process. So I take it a day at a time and for the fans watching keep tuning in because you never know when I'll make an appearance.

Jeff: Definitely, you were just on a three week hiatus. Was there reasons for that

Rylee: Yeah, after my injury that was broadcasted for the world to see. I had a hard time trying to get back in public. I felt people either pitted me or were happy that I was out. The online hate was a hard pill for me to swallow. I think as athletes and as someone in the public eye it's easy to pretend that we don't see or notice the hate we get, but we do. And we take it personally. I'm just thankful for my family and friends for helping surround me with such positivity. We always talk about mental Health for athletes. I think its hard to separate mental toughness and mental health but though this I've learned that its Mental toughness that's the bridge for mental health. We need to support our athletes and check in with them.

Amy: Such great advice 

4th quarter:

Amy: As we see with 30 seconds left on the clock UConn will take home another win and continue the perfect record. 

Rylee: That's right Amy, I can't state how proud I am of this team

As Rylee was finishing her sentence she see her whole team come swarming at her with water bottles. Absolutely drenched from water she stands up and waves to the crowed before taking off her headset and celebrating another win for the UConn Huskies. 

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