The Natty

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As the team celebrates its advancement it was still hard for Rylee to over come the feeling of guilt of crushing her sister's dreams. The team headed to Ohio to the Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse for that National torment. Tensions were high and nerves were at an all time high as well. Winning was so close for UConn they could practically feel it. 

As the team warmed up and everyone was getting prepped for the game. UConn knew it would be a hard game as most of the other team was extreme talented and tall. But Geno had faith in the team and during the pre-player meeting they went over tapes and really studied South Carolina's movements to have an edge over South Carolina. But what South Carolina didn't know was Geno had a trick up its sleeve. Earlier that day UConn decided to announce that Rylee Clark would not be starting due to an injury. Of course this cause South Carolina to not prep for Clark as she was no longer a threat to the game. But what the didn't know was that Geno was going to put Rylee in in the second quarter that way they could still win the game and have an advantage as Clark had been working on a new play called clark 22. In which it meant for Clark to go crazy with 3 pointers. What Dawn Staley didn't know was that all of her trash talking about how the Clark sister's were average with a lucky year was only adding fuel to Rylee's fire. Sure Rylee was having a great year some luck but mostly talent it was her duty to she Staley she was wrong to underestimate a Clark

Rylee's Pov:

I knew Coach's plan all along since I was the one who came up with it. I knew that If I was announced as an injury it was a dirty move but it would allow us to win. Sometimes you have to make crazy moves. Coach put his trust in me and so now I have to bring it

Paige: Do you really think this is a good play for the national title

Rylee: Yeah, I think so. I believe in you Bueckers you can hold down the fort for a wile

Paige: I don't know if I can. What if I buckle under pressure. I'm so scared

Rylee: Hey look at me, you're the Paige Bueckers, fans love you for you. Your player of the year, and MVP you don't just get those titles by doing nothing. Your fearless, strong, and one hell of a Basketball player so go out there and give them hell, for me please

Paige: Only for you. You really do know how to calm me down

Rylee: I learn from the best

The Game:

First Quarter:

With UConn down by 7 points it seems that losing Rylee might me the the key for South Carolina's win for the National title. What an aggressive game lead by great defense from Nika and Paige but it was Tessa Johnson who was able to put up 24 points in the first quarter that took fans by surprise

Second quarter:

With a surprise comeback for Rylee Clark it seems to put South Carolina on their head as UConn dominated the second quarter putting down 29 points a 10 point lead on South Carolina at 19 points this quarter. Clark seemed to be working her magic with great passes to Mühl, Fudd, and Bueckers. But is this enough for UConn to win

Third quarter:

It seems that UConn has turned on the fire with 39 points being put down in this quarter 29 from Clark, 6 form Fudd and 4 from Bueckers. Clark seemed to be on a different level this quarter as she gestured the you can't see me sign in front of Dawn Staley

Rylee's Pov:

As the team goes into the last quarter I give my team one last pep talk

Rylee: Guys, we are a head but let's not leave this game up to chance ok. We need to dig deep and score go crazy because we have the chance to do so. Lets bring a win home to UConn

Geno: Clark we are running Clark 22 this quarter show the world what your made of

Forth Quarter

And while the best of the best verse each other Rylee Clark was unstoppable. Clark downing 3 pointers left and right. As soon as she got the ball she was shooting. One could say if she was in the military she would be a sniper because she was just that good at shooting for the hoop at any angle form far away. It was Clark that dropped a history high in college basketball with 40 points this quarter. Clark have over 20 steals causing 12 3 pointer shot to go in. It was safe to say that UConn would be bringing in another trophy. As UConn outlast South Carolina as it wins its 12th National title lead by Paige Bueckers and Rylee Clark

The team celebrated the victory as Geno knew having Rylee at Uconn would being him an national title once again

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