Husky Nation

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Rylee's Pov

As I'm waiting to get off the plane I get a text from Paige saying that her and Nika were here to pick me up at were at baggage claim. I was all giddy inside and somewhat nervous, I knew Paige from when she played with Caitlin on team USA but I was nervous to meet the rest of the team that I've been watching for years. As I finally get off I see Paige and Nina with a sign that was very cheesy if I might add ( Welcome Rylee number 1 in the nation but number one in our hearts). It was at that moment I felt like I was home and knew that UConn was the right choice. As we got in the car Nika offered to carry my bag as I had come with a duffle and backpack.

Before Rylee arrived 

Nika: As Paige and I waited for Rylee to meet us I started integrating Paige for info on Rylee. 

Paige: Nika, I really don't know much besides that she's killer at basketball and the kindest person on earth. I do know from Caitlin that she quite nervous so don't ask her a million of questions when she gets here like you did with that other recruit that you ended up scaring away.

Nika: I didn't scare her away, Geno said she wan't a good fit when we practiced with her, come on Paige you have to admit she threw off the teams vibe. 

Paige: yeah, your right but still be a little less you no offense. Oh here she is

Rylee's pov 

As we are sitting in the car and making small talk I learn that Nike and I can communicate in her native tong as in high school I went abroad for a semester to Croatia to play basketball international and picked up a good about of Croatian that kinda stuck. As for Me and Paige we hit it off right away. It was as if we were friends since childhood. And as Caitlin told Me, I knew where I was suppose to be. And that was at Husky Nation

Paige, Nika, and I went to the gym first to tour the facility and see what it had to offer. I couldn't help but stop and admire their trophy case. I knew that this is what I was made for, to win championships. As we continued our tour, I loved the weight room and the recovery room it seemed as if everyone who I met so far belonged here and wanted me here. 

Paige: And lastly this is Geno's office, I think he wants to talk to you. Let me knock to see if he's here. Coach you in there? Rylee's here Im dropping her off.

Rylee: Thanks Im glad you and Nika gave me a tour, ill find you after I guess?

Paige: Sure, or just text me and I'll find you, we still have the rest of the day to hang out and of course play ball.

Geno and Rylee's convo

Geno: So what did you think of Paige and Nika, I know Paige can be quite a handful sometimes.

Rylee: I absolutely love them, they were so fun to hang around with and gave a good tour

Geno: Great, I wanted to talk to you about you committing to UCONN, I know this is a lot for you kid, but let's talk about expectations before you make your decision. What do you want to accomplish  here? This isn't some program that gets kids to play basketball for 4 years and then nothing we make each player a legacy to live by after UCONN. 

Rylee: I want 4 things from a program Coach no other program has been able to offer me these four things. I want a national championship my first year, I want a legacy here at UConn, I want to help kids find their passion for sports, and I want to create a name for myself that world wide. I want people to hear my name and know Rylee Clark is not to be messed with. 

Geno: Well we can do all four, you know that once you come into this program you'll come out a different person. Someone for people to look up to and know. I can promise you Rylee that with you on our team we can will back to back championships.

Rylee: Well coach I guess that leaves me with one thing left, its to prove to you during practice I deserve the last spot on the roster.


Geno: Gather around people, today we have Rylee Clark in the building. She's going to practice with us and I have a good feeling that she'll force some of you to work harder. So let's get into it will do 5v5 and play till 25.

During the practice Rylee, Paige, Nika, Azzi, and KK were on one team as the rest of the team was on against them. And while Geno and most of the team thought it would be a long game it was done in 15 minuets. With Rylee absolutely dominating on the court with her having 19 points 5 assist it just further proved why she was number 1 in the nation. And just like her sister she had killer shots from half court, with 94% of them making it. Usually Geno was the type of coach not to allow it as if give the opponent more time to score against you. But with Rylee she'd land it and some how turn right back around on defense and get the ball back. In face not only was Geno impressed but so was the whole UConn team the might was well can you, Paige, and Nika the ultimate 3. 

Geno: Well team that was embarrassing for you, if this was a race Clark would have lapped you twice by the firs 15 points.

Geno's office:

Geno: Listen Kid you played incredibly! I normally don't love shots from outside the paint but you proved me wrong. You defense is amazing, I want to formally present you with a spot on our roster as well as a full ride to UConn as you grades are just as good as you play. So what do you say?

Rylee: Thanks Coach, Im incredibly honored that you gave me a chance here and I'd be stupid to say know. You know every kid dreams of playing for UConn I'm just happy to make my dream a reality. 

So there she was the Rylee Clark committing to UCONN, a dream of hers. Not only did Geno find potential in her but so did the team. She knew that training would be hard but was up for the challenge as long as it meant she could be a husky.

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