New Perspective

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Paige's pov

As I slowly wake up, I notice the weight on my right side. I look over and see Rylee cuddled up on me. And in that moment I replay last night's events. After the party, we came home and showered I was sitting on my bed when Rylee came in and also sat on my bed. This wasn't unusual as we often would cuddle or just sit and talk at night. We were cuddling when I asked her the dreaded question of what we were. Honestly, it was best for her to reject me so I could move on. But that didn't happen, in fact, she confirmed that she was into me. To say I could run a marathon rn is an understatement. And to top it off with a cherry we ended up kissing. I just knew I was down badly as I would do anything for her. And She looks so cute and peaceful sleeping with her hair a mess and in my shirt. But all good things must come to an end as we do have practice in 45 minutes and I know how much she hates being late.

Paige: Ry, hey ry wake up we have practice soon

Rylee: P just 5 more minutes pleaseeeeee

Paige: No, I know you. 5 minutes will turn into 10 and 10 will turn into 20 and then you'll be mad that you have to rush to get ready for practice.

Rylee: Ugh you know me so well Bueckers

Paige: Come on, if you get up now ill make us coffee

Rylee: oh so domesticated, ok fine ill wake up

Paige: Hey you love me

Rylee: that I do

At Practice

Geno: Ok girls let's sit down and have a come to Jesus moment. We are in season Yes?

Team: yes coach

Geno: So then why am I getting photos sent to me of members drinking at a party? What's the rule

Team: We can go to parties but can't drink

Geno: So we know the rules, this isn't rocket science but yet since y'all won your first game you think rules don't apply to you? OK let's get this straight. Jenna and Blake were caught at a party drinking. And I had to be notified by one of the captains on the Men's basketball team saying that Blake was too wasted to even walk home and where should he drop her off. So because we are a team and this is a team sport we are conditioning today. So grab your running shoes cuz that's all your doing for this 2 hour practice

It was safe to say that the team was pissed at the two freshmen on the team. Since they all knew the rules and how to go out and have a fun time without getting in trouble. Also, it was more of an annoyance as they have games coming up that they need to be practicing for. As practice was finishing the few lasting people who were still running who didn't puke or pass out were Azzi, Paige, Nika, Ice, KK, Rylee, Aubrey, Caroline, and Aaliya.

Geno: Ok everyone practice is done, go shower and then come into the box for a team meeting

Team meeting

Geno: let's be clear, almost every one of you is out of shape, you wonder what makes a good play good and a great play great. it's this being thrown into these situations and pulling through. Now of course the only people who actually completed this practice weren't the ones doing stupid things the night before. So with that being said Jenna and Blake you bentched for the next 3 games. These in-season games are important but we need to have our focus on the games in March. You can't get a championship by sitting and doing nothing because anything worth doing is hard.

After the meeting Rylee decided it was best to go and talk to Coach about the freshman on the team.

Geno: hey, kid how are you doing

Rylee: Sore, and tired but ill make do, how are you

Geno: I'm ok just frustrated

Rylee: I understand, You know coach I wanted to say I did also go out last night with some members of the team. We didn't drink and we came home around 12 and were responsible. I just feel responsible for Jenna and Blake, what if we did invite them to the party maybe the outcome would have been different.

Geno: Listen to yourself kid, you are a natural leader. Taking charge of others, but by you doing this it isn't going to help them. At a certain part, they have to be individuals and learn how to adapt to college and they are playing in the big leagues so the need a wake-up call.

Rylee: I understand Coach. And thank you for believing in me and giving me a chance. I promise I'll win us that championship.

Geno: I have complete faith in you Clark. I know you'll do great things

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