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UConn vs Tennessee

Rylee pov

The team has been doing great. So far we are undefeated, I just hope that this continues to get a spot in March Madness. Paige and I have been going on small dates but haven't made anything official yet. I think we are both scared to ruin what we have. Jenna and Blake haven't played a single game since their drinking incident and to be honest I don't think Coach is going to put them in at all. As I'm doing my hair, Paige and I are sitting together talking.

Paige: Your first rival game how do you feel? 

Rylee: Excited, although I do know some of my past teammates are on that team and are out for blood. Luckily for them red is my favorite color. 

Paige: oh she's confident

Rylee: I'm confident that will because I'm confident in the team and especially you Bueckers

Paige: Say my name again

Rylee: Ok Ms. Bueckers

Paige: ugh I just love it when you call me by my last name

Nika: You do realize that yall are practically eye fucking each other right in front of us right.

Paige: Nika don't you have to get your ankle taped or something 

Rylee: Just ignore her, we should get going I think they are starting the clock for team warm-ups

Paige: I guess but will finish this at home

Game pep-talk

Geno: Ok guys we know Tennessee is a good team so we need to pass and drive more than usual. They will double-team you and play aggressively so be aggressive and watch out for your team. ok together on 3 1.2.3

Team: Together

the game recap

This game was tough, with Tennessee being aggressive but it was UConn who ultimately won 86 to 64. The leading scorers were Paige and Rylee while Nika and Azzi had high assists. It was in this game we saw Rylee get beat up the most and even injured in the last 4 minutes of the game. 

Reporters view:

Jeff: Welcome Husky Nation today we are in for a treat. We see the UConn women getting ready to play. Amy what are you expecting from this game against  Tennessee.

Amy: Thanks Jeff, good to be back. I think what we can expect from this game is a fast-paced and aggressive game. We know UConn has had an undefeated season so far so we are going to hope to continue that. We see Clark is starting and if you watch her from the start of the season to now she has probably had the best rookie year ever. She has lead her team here with the support of Paige Bueckers and Nika. So Im excited to see this dynamic on the court

Jeff: I agree. I think going into this game to be a tough one. It a decade-old rivalry so tensions are high.  I can't wait to see how Clark handles this. 

First Quarter

Jeff: Alrighty Husky Nation currently Uconn is up by 3 points as we head into the second quarter. This has been a tougher game given that Rylee had been double-teamed most of the game as well as Paige. Although we have seen some beautiful shots done by Clark 22 from about half court.

Amy: Yeah Jeff, I mean once Clark has the ball there is no stopping her. And I think Tennessee knows that and is the reason they are forcing her to pass or forcing her teammates to not have the opportunity to pass to Clark. They are definitely out for blood. 

Second Quarter:

Amy: we are back with another update, Jakson is playily more on the aggressive side. With two girls already fouling out. We just witnessed a bit of an argument between Geno and the refs so lets play that clip back:

Geno: Oh common reffs, that isn't a foul? She just ran into her for no reason. If this was a god damn football game that would be a 15-yard penalty. My girls are getting beaten up and you're not calling anything.

Reff: (pulls our a yellow card) Coach I suggest you calm down now or I'll eject you from this game 

Jeff: Definitely a heated moment by Geno, but I don't think he's wrong. Tennessee has been playing extremely aggressive and doing all they can to get the ball. And we know with Paige and Azzi back from their past seasons injuries we would hate to see anything happen this early in March Madness

The huddle:

Rylee: Ok guy we know that are being aggressive and it's hard out there but keep fighting and if you need to switch who your guarding don't be afraid to do so. We need to look out for each other I feel they are going to continue to play dirty and we need to protect each other. 

Paige: Yeah guys we still have a healthy lead but lets kick it up a bit and win this thing together on 3 1,2,3

The team: Together

Third Quarter

Jeff: We are back with the third quarter ending and UConn has seemed to put it in high gear as this quarter they scored 36 points with Rylee having 20 of these Paige having 13 and Nika having 3. Amy what do you think the Huskies have to do in this last quarter in order to win

Amy: Honestly Jeff, I think they need to continue playing the same way that they have been they have a 20-point lead right now. But of course, we know that can change in an instance. So I think they need to continue being aggressive and as Coach says: either drive, shoot, or pass.

Fourth Quarter 

Jeff: Well with four more minutes on the clock its safe to say that UConn will probably take home this win.

Amy: Yes, Jeff I agree. It looks like right now Paige has the ball but is double-teamed. And oh what is this? Hold on, Bueckers just passed the ball to Rylee, but Rylee is diving in front of Paige. And OH OH OH. Looks like Rylee is taking a kick straight to the head. 

The moment:

Rylee's Pov

It's four more minutes on the clock and we are trying to run the clock down. In the corner of my eye, I see Paige getting triple-teamed, with one girl saying that Paige will be sorry if she doesn't shoot. But it all happened so quickly and all I saw was the girl raising her leg ready to kick Paige in the knee. Of course, the only rational thing I could think of was protecting Paige. I knew if anything were to happen to her knee she would be out for good and also ruin her self-esteem. So I simply dove in front of Paige. All I could feel was immediate pain in the nose and my head but more so my shoulder. I instantly curled up into a ball, the pain being too much and my vision going in and out. All I could hear was a coach and the athletic trainer trying to talk to me. 

Geno: God Damn-it, This team has been aggressive since we got out here and now they took one of my best players out. I can only hope it isn't serious.

Geno: Girls move out of the way let the athletic trainer talk to her.

Athletic Trainer: Rylee can you hear me

Athletic Trainer: If you can hear me move your foot (Rylee moves her foot). OK, I want you to sit up. let's do this slowly. I know you are in a lot of pain but you need to sit up.

As Rylee Sits up she looks around and sees her teammates looking at her concerned and the stadium is quite, what Rylee doesn't notice is the towel that has just been placed on her right shoulder.

Athletic Trainer: Rylee do you know where you are

Rylee: Were at Gampel 

Athletic Trainer: Coach this isn't good. Dont let any camera see this or her.

Geno: Ok guys lets get out of the way. 

Rylee: Coach, I don't feel so well. I think Im going to...

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