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Clark VS Clark Showdown 


With UConn heading to the final four to face off Iowa, for the first time in NCAA history the game will be played in the world's most famous Arena, Madison Square Garden. The game was said to be played in Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland, Ohio. However with the publicity for this historic showdown between Rylee Clark and Caitlin Clark it has been moved to MSG where it's said to have celebrity guest appearances and an all time high of viewers at home. This game is to be said the equivalent of the Super Bowl LVII, where the showdown between the two Kelce brothers. Both Clark sisters have made it public that they wish the best for each other but fans are on the edge of their seat waiting to see which Clark will come out on top. All we know is that A Clark will be heading to the NCAA torment. Let's take a look at both sister's performances this season. Caitlin Clark has had an amazing year of record breaking scoring record beating UConn alum Sue Birds record as all as leading her team to an undefeated season and to the final four. We know for Caitlin she is a powerhouse on the court and will make in credible 3 points form outside the paint. Rylee Clark has started off her collegiate career off with a broken collarbone and a few hits to the head causing her to be out for most of the pre-season and season. However with an incredible come back, Rylee came back her first game dropping 40 points. She has had an amazing first year dropping 3 pointers deep in the court and has truly lead her team along with Paige Bueckers to the final four. She is an absolute dog on the court and has it in her to dominate the game. It is truly anyone's game may the best Clark win.

Rylee's pov: 

As we are getting off the plane, I can't help but feel its extreme feeling of nerves and excitement. I had talked to Caitlin earlier today and we both agreed that we would be happy for whoever won this game.  I knew that the next 24 hours were going to be crazy. Coach had us for 10 hours for prep and practice. on top of that I had to do an interview for pre-game conference and an interview as there was a documentary coming out about Caitlin and they wanted to film this game since it was going to be a historic game for people to watch. On top of that we had to sleep and get up the next day for the game. All I could do was mentally prepare for this and spend time with friends

Documentary interview:

Interviewer: So what was it like growing up with Caitlin

Rylee: It was ok I guess, nah I'm just kidding but growing up with Caitlin was great. We are so close and it's always great to have another sister in the family when you have two brothers. I just hear this quote about how your parents leave you to early in life and you meet your spouse later in life but it's your siblings that will always be there for you throughout you life. I think that a perfect way to describe the relationship between the Clark siblings. We are such a close family and I know the world always pins Caitlin and I up against each other but truly we are each others biggest supporters. 

Interviewer: Did you always know you were going to play Basketball?

Rylee: No, it wasn't I actually really enjoyed field hockey and was quite good at it. But It was my mom who actual convinced me to give basketball a try. I think growing up in such a basketball forward family made me want to rebel and do something else but between my brother's and Caitlin's practices my mom asked to try it out for one season and If I completely hated it I could go back to field hockey. I guess I liked it enough because look at me now

Interviewer: Both you and your sister have broken records this year, what do you think is the reason for it

Rylee: I truly don't know, it's funny because I always get asked if it was something our parents fed us but I really think it was each other being so competitive that pushed us to be the best that we could. I know for me everyday is an opportunity to do something great and I try to do exactly that.

Interviewer: How do you feel about the Clark vs Clark showdown

Rylee: I'm excited for it. I think it brings great publicity for women's basketball. While I hate to be pined up against my sister, we both also have a passion for growing this sport and understand this is what comes with it. I think instead of making a huge game in my head I'm just going to remind myself that this is just like a game that we would play in middle school or in the driveway. 

At practice:

Geno had all the players working hard for this practice. He truly wanted to win, it was in arms reach and he know that they could do it. Everyone on the the team was giving 100% but even then people were missing lay-ups and baskets. This caused Geno to go crazy

Geno: Everyone on the line, we keep missing baskets and lay-ups play like this tomorrow if you want to go home. We are so close to the win and we are not going to give up now. You want to give up tell me know cuz I'll find someone who wants to win. And until you as a team understand we play for championships will continue to run. So 5 suicides in 8 minuets. 

Luckily most of the team completed them, all except for Blake and Jenna who decided to sneak out last night at the hotel and go clubbing, they were on their 3 by the time the timer went off. 

Geno: Blake and Jenna what the hell was that? do you not want a championship because it doesn't feel like it. I don't really care that we only have 9 players I'll suspend you right here if you don't get your shit together. So tell me why didn't you finish them

Jenna: I don't know coach

Geno: Oh you don't know? well until you know the whole team is running laps every one get on the line you can thank Blake and Jenna.

With the whole team angry at Jenna and Blake it was Paige who noticed that Rylee was more than angry.

Rylee pov: 

Of course when we need to be practicing its is Blake and Jenna who screw it up. I know that I have tried to take the blame from them and tried to get them out of trouble. But I had losing and will do anything to win and we are far too deep in the season to waste valuable time on them. I know that they went out because I was sitting in the lounge doing homework and studying as well as prepping for interviews when they came in to the hotel drunk at 2 in the morning. Sure I am also at fault for not sleeping but I needed to get work done as well as pre for interviews. 

Rylee: Coach, can I be honest

Geno: Clark it's not getting you out of running but please enlighten me on why the team sucks today

Rylee: I hate to be a snitch but at this point I just want to win; so the truth is Blake and Jenna went out clubbing last night and that's why they aren't performing how they should. Now I take full responsibility for staying up late coach, I was busy doing homework in the lobby when I saw them but I feel that we are all pulling our weight but being dragged down.

With that being said Geno storms out of the court and says that they are done for the day and to meet in an hour for prep-sheet meeting. 

Paige: Damn, Clark you really let it out 

Rylee: What was I supposed to do, I wasn't going to run because of them 

Nika: your bad ass for doing that

Rylee: I was just telling the truth and we really can't be exerting ourselves before a huge game

It was no secret that Rylee Clark wanted to win, she wanted it bad and was going to make sure noting got in the way

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