Media day

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Rylee's pov

After when seemed to be a day of just conditioning and pre-season practices, it was finally media day. This meant that game day was starting soon and everyone was excited about just being able to hang out, take pictures, and most importantly bond with each other. Paige and I were in their dorm getting ready when Nika, Azzi, and KK were doing each other's hair. They always joked that if basketball didn't work out, us 5 could go into cosmetology well maybe not Paige she could be the assistant after the gel debacle, in which Paige used almost half a can of gel in her hair once to get a good slick back. Legend says she's still washing the gel out as we speak. I was excited to take pictures in my uniform as I chose 22, I know ironic right but I truly picked it because Caitlin was a huge inspiration to me and I wanted to honor her. Plus I thought it would be funny that the press would have to call us by our names and not just Clark or 22.  As I was packing all of my uniforms, we were doing some tiktoks and Paige was on live.

Tiktok live

Paige: Yall welcome to our live, we are currently getting ready for media day so I though it would be fun to do a get ready with me

Rylee: Yeah except well all pretty much done getting ready but really board so I guess its a stay ready with us

Paige: Rylee don't you still have to pack for media for today, the last time I checked this was my live 

Rylee: Bro, I'm the co-host you can't just kick me out because is stating the truth. The people want the hard-core truth right guys

Paige: So with that being said, I am open to a new roommate any takers?

Rylee: oh please you love me as your roommate. At least I'm not like Nika

Nika: Hey whats wrong with me as a roomate

Paige: Do you want us to answer that? 

Nika: So guys my name's Nika and I'm looking for two new roommates

Rylee: Bro, twin you know you love me, right 

Paige: anyway bye live


As all of the girl leave to head to Gampel Paige and Rylee decide to sit in the back making Nika drive and Azzi aux. 

Paige: So are you ready for you first media day?

Rylee: Im scared, like what if they ask hard questions or what if I look ugly? you do know that these pictures will haunt me for the rest of the season. 

Paige: Don't be so dramatic, you look amazing and plus you're a pro at media, like during our pre-press conference you killed it. Also, you had media training so you know all the do's and don'ts. 

Rylee: Your right, thanks for always hyping me up

As everyone is starting to get dressed in their jerseys and prepare for roster pictures, UConn's media team was setting up for interviews. First, they had each girl get their headshots as well as shots for their wall-out and posters. Later they had some fun pictures for Instagram and to promote the team. Some of the highlights were Paige giving Rylee a piggyback ride and racing Nika with Azzi on Nika's back. Another was the girls all together like the Avengers, as well as the classic crown and large throne chair pictures. And of course, with pictures there needed to be videos like KK's mini-mic interviews, this or that videos for the YouTube, and arguably the fan favorite was solo action video's. 

After all the pictures were taken it was finally time for more interview videos

Video one:

KK, Azzi, Paige, Nika, Ice, Rylee, and Caroline

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