Ash's Shift.

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Ashswag's POV.

There was a chime as somebody entered the shop, jolting Ash out of his sleepy daydreams. He was nearly done with his shift at the coffee shop, but god it felt like it'd been days: Ash had bags under his eyes and he looked zombified.

Squiddo glanced at him with a glance full of humour, probably trying not to explode into giggles for about the millionth time today after watching him fall asleep about every two minutes.

He sighed, shot a glare at Squiddo, and turned to the guy who had by now arrived at the counter.

"What can I get you?" Ash sighed, exhaustion creeping in again. The guy had flaming red hair, a fancy red suit and a pair of black sunglasses. He looked way too rich for this place, but Ash didn't care - more money for him at the end of the day.

"Coffee," the red guy eventually replied, "and don't forget the extra sugar."

Ash disappeared into the "kitchen", in reality, it was more of a room with half a dozen counters and the essentials. Nothing too grand.

He grabbed what he needed and made the drink, having to get Squiddo to poke him back into a state of awakeness a few more times and went back to the counter.

"And your name?" Ash asked with a pen in hand, looking at the customer.

"Reddoons," the guy flashes him a stupid smile which causes  Ash to forcibly shut down the part of his brain that wants to make fun of this man. Ash scribbles the guy's name on the cup and hands it to him.

"That'll b-" a $3 is instantly on the counter - apparently he already knew what it cost, and before Ash can fulfill his obligation and wish Reddoons a good day, he's gone! Rich twat.

Before Ash can glare at this imbecile any longer, Squiddo bounces out from the kitchen.

"Ashswag, our shift's over!"

"Thank fuck" he whispers, following Squiddo out the door and down the street. 

They walk in silence for a little while. A comfortable silence, as they observed what little scenery there was, until Squiddo reached their home.

"Ash you can play Minecraft tonight right?" 

Yes, they were both 20 year olds who played Minecraft. Sad, right? But hey, it was fun.

"I need sleep-" Ash was cut off by a tidal wave of begs, pleads and cries. "Fine! Now shoo dude," once Squiddo was gone, Ash picked up the pace. Once he finally got home, he collapsed on his bed - god he needed to fix his frankly bullshit sleeping pattern.

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Whoops, sorry this was so short, I swear the chapters will get a little longer- just hang in there!

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