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Hi everyone! Thanks for 1.4k reads!

As well as this, I'd like to announce a new book! (kinda-) cuz I'm going to be releasing an artbook! This artbook will be primarily lifesteal members art, and ex-lifesteal members art. I may not add stuff to it frequently either, as I don't do art all that often, but more info will be available when I create it, which will be today hopefully.

Sorry for rambling, and as always, enjoy the chapter!

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Ashswag's POV.

"Squiddo! Let me in!" Ash yelled again, giving up on knocking. Soon enough, footsteps approached from inside and the door opened, revealing Squiddo on the other side.

"Hi Ash!" she beamed, nudging him through the doorway, before heading into the living room.

Ash already knew Squiddo's usual arrangements: take off your shoes, or you get stabbed and have to clean the carpet before taken to hospital; close the fucking door; and lastly, no injuring yourself because she can't be bothered to call an ambulance or have paramedics inside her house.

Despite Squiddo being a very extra person, her rules weren't too extreme... apart from being stabbed? Maybe? Nevertheless, Ash brushed off these time-wasting thoughts and closed the door, and let out a shocked yell.


Squiddo and Red burst into uncontrollable laughter, while Ash just stood there, an unreadable expression etched on his face.

"Why-" he sighed, "Why have you bought this-" he waved a hand in Red's general direction, "this idiot..."

"Because!" Squiddo reasoned, "He's your friend!"

"I am not frie-"

"Ash don't act like you weren't annoyed when you didn't get to give him coffee on Monday," Squiddo deadpanned.

Ash said nothing for a moment before going to sit on the couch. Everyone sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes before Red spoke.

"If it's any consolation you're not that bad-"

"I guess you're not that bad either..." Ash muttered through gritted teeth.

"So are you guys friends or what?" Squiddo asked excitedly.

Red looked at Ash, offering a hand shake, "Friends?"

Ash nodded slightly, shaking Red's hand, "Friends,"

Ash wasn't sure if he'd regret this decision, but hell, what was there to lose? Worst case scenario he could just spike Red's coffee if he really pissed him off...

The rest of the day was surprisingly enjoyable. The three played video games - specifically a lot of Minecraft that they also found out that Red played, shot Squiddo with water guns until she started chasing them with a kitchen knife, and genuinely just had a great time.

Now they were eating dinner - aka large amounts of cake - while cracking jokes. Ash was still slightly surprised that Red hadn't annoyed him that much yet - yes, they were having their usual banter, but Ash actually enjoyed having him around. It seemed like being friends with Red unlocked an entirely different side of him that Ash liked. So much so in fact that when Red had to go home, Ash felt kind of... sad?

Ash sat against a wall, surrounded by deflated balloons. He felt tired, from all the stupid things they'd done that day.

"Hey Ash, you good?" Squiddo asked from the couch.

"I'm fine," he sighed, picking himself up from the floor.

"You miss Red don't you,"

Ash said nothing. Was he really that easy to read?

"I knew it!" Squiddo giggled, "The plan worked!"

"Wait- you did this all just to get me and Reddoons to be friends?!"

"Maybe-" Squiddo grinned, but before Ash could say anything, Squiddo made an excuse that he should go home because he was tired. Reluctantly, Ash agreed.

Stepping out onto the pavement, Ash was immediately caught off guard by the rush of cold air in his face - he'd grown used to the cosy atmosphere of Squiddo's home. The darkness of the night combined with this made his journey home a little spooky, but he was Ashswag, he wasn't scared! Eventually, he got home, went inside, and collapsed onto the bed, falling asleep in a matter of seconds.

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