''Since when?!''

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Hi everyone! 

I'm back from my mental health break! I'd like to thank everyone for the kind messages, (shoutout to @Lanternkid and @ShadowWolf951 in particular for your lovely comments!) and to everyone who has returned! I would also like to say a MASSIVE TY for 950 reads! I never even imagined Coffee Cup would get to this point and to see it almost at 1000 reads and #1 in some rankings helped me to come back.

Apologies for rambling, and as always enjoy!

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Ashswag's POV.

"Hey Ash?"

"What do you want, Squiddo?" Ash asked sleepily. His sleeping pattern was once again going to cause his demise.

"Can you take the rubbish out to the dumpster?"

"Do it yourself dude," he retorted.

"I'm literally using the oven and you're doing nothing!" Squiddo reasoned.

"Fine." Ash grabbed the bags full of waste and took them around the back of the coffee shop, watching out for cockroaches as he went. He'd never seen them here, but he was NOT taking any chances with those dipshits, even if he was tired as fuck.

After Ash successfully got to the bin, he dumped the trash into it and carefully made his way back inside, and behind the counter, where Squiddo was cleaning up the coffee machine.

"Who'd I miss serving?" Ash questioned, he didn't care that much but he would a bit if it was R-

"Red came by, but he's gone!" Squiddo responded in her usual, cheery tone.

"Fuck." Ash didn't know why exactly he wanted to see Red, like, he would've given money if it meant Red wouldn't have shown his stupid face a few days ago. He guessed it was probably just he was tired, and wanted something to give him a level of energy, even if it was in the form of that bitch.

"You good Ash?" Squiddo asked, "You seem kinda disappointed... don't tell me you were looking forward to seeing Bitch Boy of all people?!" she teased, sarcasm lacing her voice.

Ash shot her a look, "Shut up, or you'll get called 'Bitch Boy' too,"

"Heyyy..." Squiddo whined, pretending to be insulted, "I'm not any old Bitch, I am the Best Bitch!"

Ash scoffed, "Whatever helps you sleep at night Squiddo,"

Squiddo frowned at him, before smiling again, "Anyways, Ash, you're coming to my place on Saturday and I don't care if you say no!"

"Excuse me? Since when?!"

"Since now bozo, get there at seven." Before Ash could argue anymore, she was gone. At least his shift was over?

Ash strolled outside onto the pavement, where Squiddo was waiting for some reason.

"Uh hello?" Ash asked her.

"Oh hi Ash!" she laughed and started walking alongside him, as if nothing had happened literally 30 seconds ago.

"Are we going to talk about what just happened or-"


The two walked in silence until Squiddo was about to head inside of her house, and Ash asked a question.

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