''I'm Fine Spep,''

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Damn I don't have anything to say this time... Hope you enjoy reading though lol!

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Reddoons' POV:

10:47 PM

Red stared out of his bedroom window. It was pitch black outside, rain gently spitting at the glass. It was calming. Thought-provoking too.

For some reason, he had a strange feeling something was about to happen. Something big - life changing, even, but he couldn't put his finger on what it could be. He didn't like this feeling... it made him uneasy, restless and stressed, as he was constantly trying to predict what was going to happen to him.

The rain seemed to be getting heavier, but Red didn't mind too much. He liked the noise because it distracted him from his thoughts.

He let his fingers meet with the cold panes, before bringing his hand back down to his side once more. Sometimes he felt empty, alone; tonight was one of these nights. His crimson eyes gazed at the stars and moon. Yes, the world was unpredictable and strange, but it was times like these that made it worthwhile.

He continued to admire the world's natural beauty until there was a knock at the door. It slowly creaked open.

"Red, are you okay?" Spepticle asked. "I saw your light was still on..."

Reddoons smiled. He didn't often show his full appreciation for his family, but it was nice to know his brother cared.

"I'm fine, Spep, now go back to sleep."

His brother nodded slightly and disappeared again. Red, not wanting to worry his brother anymore, turned out his light. As he laid in bed, he saw the original coffee cup again. It had the same silly little spelling of his name, in the black ink and messy handwriting too.

Red wasn't quite sure what he was trying to get out of the sleepy guy. He just felt something inside him pulling him towards that place from day one.

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Apologies for the short chapter, next one will be a big one! <3

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