''Your Number Maybe?''

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O.M.G. Thank you guys for over 100 reads! And in less than a week too?! WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?! But anyways, thank you sm! Hope you enjoy this chapter :D

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Ashswag's POV.

Ash was awoken from his precious sleep by his alarm. It was quarter to four in the morning. Again. He hated how quickly it came: he just wanted to go to bed!

However, Ash swiftly came to the realisation that unless he hurried up and got to work, he'd be late, pissing off his boss, and not to mention Squiddo (although he was pretty sure Squiddo just acted scary so she wouldn't be lonely when he wasn't on time.)

Ash did his usual morning routine: get out of bed, stretch, open the curtains, promptly close them again after it hurt his eyes, got changed, ate some random shit he found in the fridge, brushed his teeth and left for work.

He locked his front door and trekked along the grey, dirty pavement, crossing the road here and there, and admiring the city's famous tree - the Moon Tree. The place had a fairly simple name, but it was very beautiful and unique.

Ash refocused himself onto his journey, and walked the final block to the Coffee Shop, where Squiddo was waiting for him.


"What Squiddo? It's too early for your antics..." he mumbled sleepily.

"You're a whole thirty seconds late! I was lonely!"

"Well uhm- that sounds like a you problem." Ash shrugged

Squiddo pretended to be offended. But Ash knew this tactic all too well so just ignored her. At this point, It was 4:31 in the morning, so not many people were here yet. Ash leant on some cabinets and played on his phone some more, making banter with Squiddo every now and again.

As the hours went by, more customers came and went. Ash tried to be as friendly as possible, and this was fairly easy considering Reddoons hadn't shown his smug face yet. Here's how the hours went.

4:31AM - 5:00AM - Nothing much happened. Two guys came in and ordered basic things.

5:00AM - 6:00AM - Ash and Squiddo served about a dozen people. Strangely the highlight of this hour was Squiddo sending Ash an animation of a disturbed looking version of his Minecraft skin screaming "Awag" at the top of its lungs. Ash is fairly certain he's going to be hard of hearing in a few years because of this.

6:00AM - 7:00AM - Lots of customers. Lots of chaos. Lots of profit., but also lots of stress.

At this point, Ash was having a fairly good shift, he had thirty minutes left, closer to twenty now, and Reddoons hadn't turned up. This was great! He was so deep in thought he didn't hear the bell chime. He didn't even notice someone come in until he noticed Squiddo sniggering.


It was Reddoons.

"Order?" He tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible.

"The usual. Try to remember my name again too, you should get used to it." Reddoons smirked

At this point, Ash had enough of this dude. Ash was only not swearing his head off because he didn't want to get fired. Instead, he tried to handle it 'calmly'.

"I swear to GOD, what the hell can I give you to shut the hell up?!" Ash snapped.

"Hm... I don't know... your number maybe?"


"Just in a friendly way!"

Ash stared at Reddoons in an unreadable expression. There was nothing remotely "kind" about how Ash felt about Reddoons, but hey, what was the worst that could happen? Maybe he'd get some entertainment out of this!"

"Dude, fine. But at least tell me your name."

"Reddoons, spelt with two 'd's, but you can call me Red."

Ash scoffed at this guy's obvious teasing.

"I'm Ash." he replied simply.

They exchanged numbers, and parted ways.

After Red left, Ash turned to Squiddo.

"What the hell just happened?" he exclaimed.

"Sounded like the guy wants a friend." She responded.

Ash rolled his eyes. He supposed that Squiddo could be right, but he found it hard to believe. Why would some random dude who he'd only met literally three days ago want his number? It was strange. But life was strange, so he'd just go along with it.

Him and Squiddo walked back to their homes, joking around as usual.

When Ash got home, he reluctantly put in Red's number in his contacts, and sent a message.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Is this Red?


Yeah bozo


Dude just shut up about that

I swear to god-


I think I'll pass up the offer,

but thanks tho.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ash decided to turn off his phone before he started an argument with the guy. He booted up his PC and went on discord, where Squiddo was in a VC. Time for some more chaos.

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OOO I bet you're wondering what's going to happen now don't you... >:D

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