Sticky Note.

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A BIG thank you for over 500+ reads! Thanks for all the support over the last few weeks, it means a lot!

P.S: Srry for not updating much this week, I had a slight medical emergency earlier in the week and this combined with lots of procrastinating didn't give me much productivity, I am fine now though!

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Reddoons' POV.

Red walked down the street swiftly. He wasn't in a rush exactly but he really wanted to get to the coffee shop. As much as he hated to admit it, Squiddo and Ash had grown on him slightly. He wouldn't mind being their friend- but Ash just didn't seem to feel the same way, at least, that's what he thought.

Shaking off the thoughts, he wandered up to the door. Red entered, the familiar chime ringing in his eardrums. There was a small queue, but he didn't mind that much. Once he got to the front counter, he was surprised to see Squiddo there, and not Ash.

"Hi Red!" she beamed, her usual bubbly mood shining through.

"Hello, Squiddo- uhm, where's your... friend?"

"Oh, the bozo? Bathroom break."

Red laughed at Squiddo's response, before she took his order, which she already knew.

Red paid and took his coffee and thanked her. He'd have liked to have seen Ash, but he had to get to work. Sipping at his coffee, he noticed a sticky note that had been stuck to the back. It was Squiddo's handwriting, that was for sure.

 It was Squiddo's handwriting, that was for sure

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He grinned, he'd go. He wondered why she hadn't just said it to his face - maybe she didn't want Ash to know? Never mind, he couldn't look too far into it right now.

He made his way to the Sock Inc. It was a weird place, but it paid well, and that's what mattered. Sitting at his desk, he booted his work laptop and started. He couldn't wait until he could go home.

The third time skip has arrived! (Damn we were on a streak as well-) SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT PPL DO IN BUSINESS JOBS-

Red's phone buzzed. It was 5PM. Thank fuck... today had been a long one. Packing up his things, and making sure he still had the sticky note, he left his workplace and headed down the street. It was a warm day today, the cars reflecting the already blinding sunlight. Red was very thankful for his sunglasses, which protected him from most of it.

Red opened his front door and closed it behind him. He let Spepticle know he was home and made them dinner. After about an hour, he was finally free to add Squiddo.

He typed the numbers into his phone, and sent a message.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hello? Is this Squiddo?


Yea! :D


Alright, sooo what do

you want again?


I wanted to know if

u'd like to come to my

house party?


Is Ash coming?




He is, isn't he?

Eh, idrc


Omg thx

Just don't tell him lol XD


Ur good

So when are we meeting up?


Hmmm... 7AM Saturday?


Alr, sounds good

I gtg now anyways



Buh Bye!

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Red shook his head, amused, and booted up his PC. He opened Minecraft and started practising PVP. He was pretty good at it - it was also pretty fun watching the hope fade from their eyes... And then get mad at you of course.

Red eventually decided to go to bed. He brushed his teeth and got changed, you know, the usual, before checking on Spepticle. He was fine, so Red headed back to his room. He got into bed and shut his eyes. He was looking forward to Saturday, and seeing another one of Ash's 'what the actual fuck' expressions. Though, it felt strange being excited for something 'social' - but heck, maybe he'd enjoy it?

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I will update again soon I swear ^^

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