Party Preparations!

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As of writing this, it's actually 1.3k now~ WTF- anyways, hoping for more regular posts from now on and apologies for this short chapter! I might just write the next one tonight! Also I'm pretty sure I have no friends now? Welp, time to propose to the Wattpad grind!

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Squiddo's POV.

Squiddo had been preparing all week for Saturday. She had gone to about 30 different shops, 3 individual malls and spent an entire $50! She NEEDED this to go well, paying bills could wait!

It was now Friday night, probably around 9PM, and Squiddo was setting up the basics as well as making sure she had everything. This took a while due to the sheer amount of stuff she had purchased, but she didn't regret it.

After Squiddo quadruple checked everything was there and sorted, she sent a quick message to Ash and Red to make sure they remembered before jumping into bed. By now it was 10PM, and saying she was tired was an understatement. Closing her eyes, Squiddo quickly found herself in comfortable darkness as she drifted into sleep.








Beeping screeched into Squiddo's eardrums as her alarm clock rang. It was 6:30AM, and she had exactly 30 minutes to get dressed, eat and check everything was ready again.

Despite the overwhelming urge to turn over and go back to bed, she couldn't. Squiddo leapt out of bed and got changed into her usual orange sweater and jeans. She swiftly ate a bar of chocolate she located in the fridge and started checking everything (yes again) before sitting at her desk waiting for the doorbell.

After what felt like a year, Squiddo heard a chime, and sprinted to the door. Trying not to get over excited, she opened the door, beaming, knowing that a friend would be on the other side!

It was the delivery guy.

It wasn't even her package.


After collecting herself, Squiddo sat back down, and eventually, the doorbell chimed again, Squiddo opened, and Red was standing there.

"Hi Red!" she laughed beckoning him inside her home, "You came!"

"Well I couldn't leave you alone with Ash!" Red paused, before grinning, "Or an opportunity to mess with him!"

Squiddo laughed loudly.

"We're gonna wait for Ash," Squiddo explained, "I can't wait to see the look on his face!"

"It's gonna be great," Red agreed.

After some light conversation and banter, there was a knock on the door and a very familiar 'Squiddo let me in!' from outside. Squiddo mimed to Red to hide behind the door and he did so.

Here goes nothing.

She took a deep breath, and turned the handle.

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