Caffeine, Work, Home, Bed.

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As you guys can see from the pictures above, me and a friend built the coffee shop! There's a few shots from inside and outside! And also, because we're fucking cringe, we decided to pretend to be Red and Ash... this ended about as well as you can imagine, but hey, that's what friends are for!

If you're interested in building this yourself, I followed a tutorial and changed things to suit my own style.


Anyways, thank you for the recent support on my first chapter, and enjoy this one!

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Reddoons' POV.

Red grabbed his drink from the guy who looked incredibly tired and incredibly annoyed, smacked a $3 bill on the counter and left before the guy fell asleep again.

There was one last chime as he exited out and onto the dull street. Now he had to go to work at this stupid business. Red wished he could own his very own business, however this was not the case, and this was no time to dwell on things he didn't have.

Red made with haste the rest of the way to work, which took another five minutes, he then made his way to his desk, mentally preparing himself for the boring day ahead.

(A time skip brought to you with the power of idfk what people do when they're at work!)

Reddoons exited his place of work, his now empty coffee cup in hand. As he made his way to the bin he noticed something with the cup - the guy had spelt his name wrong! Any normal person would just not care; go on with their daily life - however, Red was not 'normal', in fact, he found this hilarious.

'Who spells my name with one "d"?!' he thought to himself, chuckling quietly. He put the cup in his backpack instead: he could use this to mess with that guy some more tommorow.

Reddoons began his short journey back home, down the gray pavements and tarmac roads; the tall modern buildings and apartment blocks that loomed over him and the... coffee shop?

Red walked past the window and had a quick look inside. "Why am I bothering looking? There's nothing to be looking for." he insisted to himself. As far as he could see, that guy wasn't in there anyways.

Red shook his head and kept going. He had to get home and cook food for his brother anyways. Their parents were away on what they called a "business trip" but as Red discovered from a pile of flight paperwork and hotel bookings, it was actually just a normal holiday. Who would've guessed?

As he saw his front door, he got out his keys and entered.

"Spepticle, I'm home!"

He heard a quiet response from somewhere in the house knowing his sibling was still very much alive, went back downstairs into the kitchen.

His parents had thankfully left him with enough microwavable meals to last them the entire two weeks, as Red was absolute shit when it came to using an oven - most of the time it lead to somebody with food poisoning or a fire extinguisher being used. He put the meals into the microwave and turned it on. Grabbing some plates while it cooked.

When it was done, he took the food to the table. Spepticle had appeared there already, so Red wouldn't have to perform the usual task of yelling at the top of his lungs so his brother could hear him through those goddamn headphones.

They sat down and ate in a comfortable silence, making a little small talk here and there. Soon the food was gone. Red decided to do the dishes himself and got to work washing and drying.

When the last of the dishes were done and away, Red sat down for a moment, a sleepy yawn escaping him. He'd have an early night tonight. He quickly looked through his bag and took out any garbage and noticed the coffee cup again. He laughed loudly, remembering what he'd do tomorrow.

He headed to the shower and brushed his teeth, got changed and made sure Spep was okay before heading to bed himself. Today had been a strange day, but even more strangely - a nice one. Red couldn't quite fathom why exactly, his parents had left him alone to look after his brother and get on with work, but he didn't feel angry or annoyed like usual. He felt like something was about to happen, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

He turned off his light and got into bed, closing his eyes.

Maybe this time, he'd just have to wait and see. 

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WOO LETS GO! Finally, that took forever lmao. Anyways, a big thank you to everyone who has read this, commented, or even voted - now or if you do so in the future, it's really encouraging for me, especially when I feel I want to give up, you guys make me want to continue, so thanks!

(Help the amount of times my friend called me 'pookie' or some shit while I was trina take that I want to cry-)

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