''You Spelled It Wrong Bozo.''

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I know I already said this last chapter, but thanks for the support! Today we nearly doubled in reads- (my brain be going holy shit rn bro-) so thanks! As always, enjoy!

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Ashswag's POV.

Ash was fiddling on his phone. It was 7AM - not particularly busy anymore and his shift was almost over. Nice. Yes, he had gotten more than two hours of sleep last night, (for once) but he still wanted to go home.

Squiddo sat on the stool in the corner like she always did. Her job was to do everything that involved the oven, as Ash had an awful history of setting the place on fire, so instead, he kept to where you couldn't destroy anything even if you tried: coffee machines.

Squiddo, who was also on her phone, appeared to suddenly have a deep thought, her face looking puzzled,

"Hey Ash, do you remember what happened to my diamonds last night?"

She was obviously talking about their Minecraft server, there was no way on earth Squiddo would own real life diamonds. Also Ash wouldn't be stupid enough to steal them, or would he? Anyways, he tried to look as innocent as possible when responding.

"No Squiddo, why would I ever have your diamonds?!"

Squiddo gave him a look that told him she knew he was lying. Well- never mind, he'd return them... eventually...

Their conversation was abruptly cut short when the bell chimed.

"Finally about time!" Ash wasn't particularly a people person, but he'd much rather do something semi-productive than just stand at a counter scrolling through his social media for all eternity. However, this train of thought was quickly frozen in place when he saw who the person was.

"Wonderful. It's Bitch Boy." Once Ash had gotten home the previous night and started playing Minecraft with Squiddo, he told her about this annoying 'Reddoons' guy. Long story short, Squiddo made a comment saying "Sounds like he's a bitch boy!" and it just stuck.

"Order?" Ash sighed.

"Coffee, with extra sugar." Red responded, before adding, "This time, I recommend learning to spell too."

"Excuse me?" Ash retorted, slightly annoyed.

"My name, you spelled it wrong bozo."

Ash was about to unleash a tidal wave of words - none of which particularly polite - on the dude, but this was shut down by an explosion of laughter and giggles from beside him.

"Shut the fuck up." Ash mouthed at Squiddo with a slightly pissed off expression on his face. Despite what he thought would silence Squiddo, it did not. She kept laughing, Christ, even the "Reddoons" guy started laughing! This was stupid!

Instead of spontaneously combusting into a crumpled pile on the floor and give up like he wanted to, Ash took a deep breath, made Red's coffee, took an educated guess on the correct spelling of his name, wrote this down, gave the coffee to him, took the money, and even said thanks without muttering a single insult. Now if this isn't a pogchamp moment I don't know what is.

"Damn, you actually spelt it right this time." Red congratulated.

Ash made a sarcastic comment about something he couldn't remember mere seconds later. However, this ended up being a win for Ash as Red proceeded to shake his head, laugh and leave.

At that moment, the alarm on the two's alarms rang, which signified their shift was over.

They both wandered outside onto the pavement. Ash behind Squiddo.

"Squiddo." He spoke in a monotone voice, almost scary.

"Y-yes Ash?"

"You have five seconds to run before I come get payback for you mocking me,"

Squiddo stared at him for two of the seconds, trying to work out if he meant what he said. After the third second, seeing him getting ready to run, she panicked, running towards her home. However Ash was already after her.

"ASHSWAG PLEASE-" she cried, laughing and gasping for oxygen at the same time.

"Don't you use my full name on me, The_Real_Squiddo!" He laughed, before grabbing her. After much "scolding" which was more them making excuses of why who did what, they both gave up and walked towards Squiddo's home.

"Oh by the way Ash,"


"Can I have those diamonds back?" she asked, unlocking her door and opening it.

"How aboutttttt... No." Ash shoved her into her house and quickly escaped down an alley, going towards his home.

2:07, PM

Ash had gotten what sounded like several thousand DM's from who he presumed was Squiddo. His phone seemed to be buzzing every five to ten seconds and eventually he had enough. He booted up his PC, and joined their discord VC, which she was already in.

"ASHSWAG!" she screeched.


"I still want those diamonds back,"

"Well too bad, you're not getting them!" Ash responded smugly.

Ash logged onto the server and Squiddo's Minecraft player ran up to him, an iron axe in hand.

"I'll just have to kill you for them myself then." she countered.

"Yeah... I don't think so." Ash took out an enchanted diamond axe and proceeded to chase Squiddo. He stopped after about fifty blocks but Squiddo didn't realise for a while longer, and got slightly irritated...



"You made me run all the way out here for nothing!" she complained.

"Well uhm- sucks to suck!" he shrugged.

"You know, I'm starting to see why 'Bitch Boy' likes to annoy you so much!" she giggled.

"Oh piss off." he muttered.

"Hey! That's mean!"

These antics continued for several hours. Eventually, when it was about nine, Ash decided to call it a night, thinking that it would probably be a good idea to get some sleep.

"Bye Ash!"


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