The Mall.

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Tysm for over 230 reads! I keep missing the official milestones but nvm XD Anyways, a big thx to everyone who has ever read, commented, voted or even clicked on this! I never thought we'd get this far! Anyways, enjoy this chapter!

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Reddoons' POV.

An irritating beeping screeched in Reddoons' eardrums. Wonderful. It was seven in the morning, on a Sunday no less.

You may be wondering why Red got up this early. You see, he had to go to the shops to get some drinks (non alcoholic) and some other basic things.

He told Spep where he would be going last night and told him to stay inside and not open the door for anybody if they knocked. The last thing he needed right now was a kidnapped brother.

Red got changed, brushed his teeth, grabbed a bite to eat. He then checked all the doors and windows were locked before leaving the house, praying he could be back within an hour so he could go back to bed afterwards.

He started to stroll down the streets, watching as the world revolved around him as he went. He looked at big houses, fancy cars, beautiful trees dancing in the breeze. The grey pavement seemed to be getting wider - that was a good sign he was getting closer to the city centre, and the shopping mall.

As the sun started to come out more, Red was glad that he always wore sunglasses as it was very bright today. He almost felt bad for the other people around him who were straining their eyes.

Eventually, Red arrived at the entrance to the shopping mall, and he went in. LED lights lit up the large building, giving off a cosy vibe. If it weren't for the ridiculous amount of people here and Red's dislike for socialising, he'd quite like it here.

Nevertheless, he kept on his journey until he found the grocery store. He went in, grabbed a few bottles of water, juices and some chocolate, and paid at the counter. He put his products into the bag and left the shop.

As Red was walking back, he heard a yell from somebody familiar. He turned around, and was slightly surprised at what he saw.

"Ash c'mon! I need to buy you some better clothes!"

It was that Squiddo girl that worked at the coffee shop! She walked back to where she came from for a second, before walking back towards the store, dragging Ash fairly forcibly along with her. Red laughed, watching Ash who seemed to reply in a grumpy fashion.

Red looked at the time on his phone. It was now fifteen minutes until eight. He thought for a moment, he didn't need to go back to sleep, and it would be kinda hilarious to Ash's reaction to him just turning up... so why not?! Red went the way Squiddo and Ash did, hoping he could mess with the two.

This was going to turn into an interesting morning, that was for sure.

Red entered the shop, which quickly confirmed his suspicions that it was a clothing shop. He laid low for a few minutes, until Ash went into one of the changing rooms. Once this happened, he went up to Squiddo.

"Hey uh- Squiddo- I'm not sure if you know me b-" he started.

"Oh my god it's you!" she yelled.

"Shh, keep it down, I want to surprise Ash..."

"Oh yeah sure, but he won't be happy to see you, he's already in a bad mood because I didn't let him get his full twelve hours of sleep..." she whispered, trying not to laugh too loud.

Red nodded, and waited behind the door, so when Ash closed it he could try to scare him.

After about five minutes, the door unlocked, Red and Squiddo grinned like idiots, and Squiddo tried to hide it. The door opened.

"Squiddo why are you smiling like you've just manically murdered somebody?" Ash asked sleepily.

Squiddo sniggered and pointed at Red, before breaking down into uncontrollable laughter.

Ash didn't quite get what Squiddo was getting at for a second, but then he turned around.

His expression? Priceless.

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This is always so fun to write~ XD

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