6: Sharing Confessions

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Slamming down the first drink of the night, you giggle at the banter between the two in front of you as you all sit in cushioned chairs. All three of you had ended up taking the idea of going to Egan's office and he just so happened to have snatched a bottle of whiskey.

Both of them sat and watched as you finished your drink in seconds, too quick for their taste. They'd been amused by it, with Egan even laughing and shaking his head as he looked towards you with your loopy smile. "Slow down Y/N, you're gonna get yourself drunk if you keep that up."

"After all that's happened, I wouldn't mind that."

You weren't half away from the truth. With all the hell that'd occurred the past few days you just wanted a chance to let your guard down for once.

Cleven chuckles a little bit as he leans back into his chair when you said you didn't care, and now Egan himself was intrigued. As much as he wanted to see you care-free, he didn't want it to go overboard. 

Seeming a tad worried, he hides it as he keeps things in a lighthearted mood. "You know, if you're drunk, you won't be able to fulfill your duty as my favorite gunner when you're out in the air in a couple of days. Don't think you'll appreciate it that much."

"I could sober up by then," you shrug, pouring yourself another drink. "Besides, we don't have another mission until Monday."

Even though you weren't wrong, the both of 'em never thought you'd actually want to get so drunk that you'd need to sober up so quickly. Especially trying to get drunk as much as your body could possibly take. You fumbled with your fingers as you took another sip, your mind completely elsewhere.

"Just want to relax, you know."

"You know there are other ways to relax besides drinking, right?" Egan catches your eyes that moved back up to his and he could see the way you rolled them.

"And what would that be? You of all people love to drink."

Egan chuckled into his second glass he was sipping as you responded. How true you were.

"That's correct, but this is just to keep the nerves calm in between missions, what you're doing now is overkill. I bet you won't make it to a third glass before you start stumbling everywhere." Replying with a teasing touch to his words, he winks to you.

"More like stumbling into your bed.."

You mumble to yourself only to then clamp your mouth shut mid-sentence after realizing you'd been accidentally flirting in front of the two. In front.

All three of you fell silent after you admitted your thoughts out loud, Egan laughing nervously with a flustered expression as he took another sip of his whiskey. Cleven's eyes widened ever so slightly at the thought, but he looked away rather quickly.

"Now that was very forward of you, wasn't it?"

Looking anywhere but them, you mutter out, "Did not mean it like that."

"It's alright to admit it." Egan's expression turned into more of a smirk as he decided to push further, teasing you. Not uttering out another answer, you go to take a sip of your second drink to hide your face instead.

All he could do was laugh when he saw you use the glass to hide your face, feeling amused that you downed your second drink just to not talk to him for a few seconds.

"Damn, you sure are trying to avoid a conversation with me. How many drinks are you going to have until you start stumbling into my bed? Four, maybe?"

You frown as you put down your glass, already feeling angsty and retort back to him with a snap as you huffed.
"Maybe I'll just stumble into Cleven's bed, who knows."

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