12: Angered Words

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The moment the early morning beams shined through the curtains had been the moment you stifled a yawn, your eyes adjusting to light as you began to wake up. Cleven and Egan had been still fast asleep under the covers, Cleven with his hands wrapped around your waist while his head rested atop of yours. Unconsciously tracing random patterns with his fingers onto your skin. Drooling on his pillow had been Egan, out like a light unlike his friend that had been slowly starting to stir. "Good morning, you two."

A mumble leaves your lips as you blink the feeling of exhaustion from your eyes the second Cleven stirs, and so does Egan as you reach over to squeeze his hand. He does so back before rubbing his face, wanting to just sleep off what awaited you. Couldn't forget what your jobs were in all of this, even when trying to savor up your experiences in the present.

"We have to go back to the base today."

If the gods had granted you one wish, it would have been to truly see the city with the two. To have a long weekend pass without leaving the excitement you've had with them both behind. It was perfect without the war involved. But who knew what the world had in store for you three around the corner. It was war afterall, everything was unexpected and yet expected at the same time.

There was hope to go home, to live a different life with new memories. Yet you knew deep down it wouldn't be ending anytime soon, like you wished it could.

Rolling out of bed, you gather your dress that had been thrown to the floor into your carpet bag, remembering last night. You ignore the rush of blood creeping its way to the tip of your ears as you pack the rest of what you brought to London, changing into your uniform in the process.

Both of their looks towards you had lingered for longer than normal, deciding to get up and do the same as they picked their uniforms from off the ground to change back into them. With their jackets thrown on and their crusher hats on top of their heads, they were ready to catch the train as they turned their attention to you.

Both of them could see the frown on your face as you pulled your own jacket on, neither of the two happy that you all had to leave London so quickly. Everyone had felt the same on this matter.

"Let's head out now." With a mutter to them you grasped your bag, wishing to yourself that in this lifetime you could go back here with the two of them once more. Happier than the last.


It took a bit longer to make your way to the train station for your return than you would've liked, eventually making it as you three packed inside one of the compartments of the railcars.

You sat in the middle with Cleven and Egan on either side, fumbling with your fingers as a way to pass time while the conductor went around punching tickets. Waiting until the train left the station to head back to home base.

The two had been staring off into space as if lost in their own little worlds, the tension thick in the compartment as you felt something had been off. Looking towards them with your leg bouncing anxiously, you ask them what's been wrong with a puzzled expression on your face.

"Just feeling uneasy. Feel like something bad's gonna happen to us soon, can't wrap my head around it as to why. Buck feels it too."

With a reassuring smile you held Egan's hand with your own, "You guys are just nervous. I'm sure that we'll all have another mission to get back to like always, but you both are the greatest pilots I've ever met. It'll be fine."

They'd taken your reassurance to heart but despite being known to be great pilots, you could still see their hesitant and anxious looks. "We wish we could believe that everything is just going to be alright but sometimes that's just not the case. It's been a while since everything has gone right for us in this war."

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