14: A Saved Life

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Wheels screech along the freeway as every plane lands, bumping against the pavement.

Seconds upon seconds had ticked by, the sounds of equipment dropping to the floor and distant echoes of callings from men. Hands grasping at straws to carry the wounded out, or the men who'd already lost their fights to the skies.

Hands grip the body of the one who seeped blood through their uniform, stomach bleeding from the inside out. The shaking hands that cradle their friend's body with a trembled voice. "You're going to be okay, Sergeant."

Everyone looked with eyes filled of worry, panic, and pure grief as the one question kept lingering in each of their minds. Whether or not you would hold on long enough to make it to the hospital. That was, if death didn't catch up first.

"Can she still hold on until we get to the field-hospital? Will she be able to survive?" Brady spoke to no one in particular, glancing down at you with a saddened look at the sight of him holding you as if you were already gone. Your breathing was weak, irregular and out of control as he continued to hold your body like it was a ragdoll.

"Just hold on, okay?"

His hand caressed your hair as he held onto you for dear life, speaking through soft words. Tears wouldn't stop forming at the corners of his eyes, hoping with every fiber in the universe that you wouldn't die in his arms. That he would not be the one to bury another friend of his in the ground.

Cleven drops from his plane, followed by Egan as they jog up to Brady to see your body cradled in his arms. Both of them looked at each other, knowing well enough what the outcome would be if the doctors couldn't do something within the next minute. "I've got her, Brady."

The words of Cleven's sounds out as he seemed to look right through Brady. Nobody knew what his thoughts were, only that they'd been going a mile a millisecond looking at the way you'd been trying to hold on. Carefully, Cleven's hands wrap around your figure, blood already starting to seep through his fingers.

His gaze met Brady's as he kept his hold onto your limp body, his face showing all the emotion he'd been feeling. His heart sank in his chest knowing that you were fighting for your life at this very moment. Into your vacant eyes that still had some drop of life in them despite the blood that was starting to puddle from the wound inside you.

The eyes of Egan's dart to Buck with a silent nod that he'd join him to the field-hospital with you in his friends hold. Cleven gave a nod back before he spoke to you in such a calming voice like he'd been holding something delicate, making sure you could hear him. "Don't you die on me yet, you got that? I don't plan on losing you yet."

With one last glance to Bucky, they begin towards the hospital, still managing to keep you propped up and in your senses for this last chance at survival. The field-hospital had not been too far away like they'd expected, only taking a moment and stretching lunges to get from one destination to the next.

A lump in their throats, both Cleven and Egan rushed inside with you in their arms, searching for the right nurse who could treat your wounded stomach as immediately as possible. The fear of you passing away in his arms was something he couldn't bear, having to do something more than doing nothing.

When one of the nurses glance up at the commotion, she's met with the bleeding rugged body of your own. In an instant she hurries over with her arms out, yelling at the other nurses and surgeons who were in the room. Multiple glances were sent their way, the auburn haired girl frowning. "You both have to wait outside," She utters out, yelling behind her shoulder again to one of the other nurses, "She needs a blood transfusion!"

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