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*Quinn's POV*

I lean against the wall of the helicopter as it approaches the drop off. I tilt my head side to side, cracking my neck and adjusting my sniper in my hands.

I lift a light hand, adjusting the black balaclava around my head, along with the black hood resting on top.

Despite not being able to see myself, I know I blend into the shadows of the small hull, the dark paint around my eyes ensuring it. Fits the name, I guess.

I feel the vehicle slowly lower to the ground, taking that as my sign to pull open the door and hop out. My feet land with a thump, my gaze meeting a few new faces. I do, however, recognize one.

I shrug the tension from my shoulders as I approach quietly, watching the one with the Mohawk lean towards a taller one, stocky and well built, a skull mask hiding his features.

I know who he is, I've read the files. It's funny, almost, how highly they speak of the mysterious Ghost.

"Quinn," John greets, nodding towards me. I nod in return, pulling my gaze from the other two. The shorter one watched with curiosity, while the tall one stares with intent, like he is trying to figure out my purpose.

As if the goddamn sniper doesn't say enough.

"Boys, this is Quinn, also know as the shadow."

I nod towards them, narrowing my eyes slightly to observe them. "What's he doing here," the tall one- Ghost- questions.

I smirk slightly, knowing my face covering is hiding it from him. It's fun when people don't know who I am, think I'm a man. The look of surprise is always the best part, and I can't wait to see it on a man like him.

"They'll be our cover for this mission.." Price responds blankly, hiding the real truth from them. I don't speak up, figuring it will add to the surprise factor.

Ghost doesn't respond, just turned back towards me. To others, his gaze might be offsetting, scary even. But to me he's all talk, nothing compared to the things I've seen, or the things I've done.

"Nice to meet you, lad," the one with the Mohawk speaks, holding a hand out towards me. I smile slightly, nodding and placing my gloved hand in his for a firm shake

"We should get moving, target building is 3 clicks east." Price speaks up again. The sun high in the sky as we start off towards the mission. It's a simple one, a good way to introduce myself to them.

They infiltrate quick and quietly, and capture the terrorist to send in for questioning. My job? Watch their backs. It's a simple thing, really, and something I'm good at. My smaller form along side steady hands has helped me become well known in my division.

But that's not where my nickname came from, the shadow.

That originated from my remarkable stealth skill, and ability to blend in to my surroundings in plain sight, sneaking up before unknowing targets and disposing of them within seconds.

It's like a game, almost. How many can I get before anyone notices? I've gotten up to 17. Would have been higher if my squad mate didn't give us away.

I shake the memory from my head, continuing to follow the others. Ghost has fallen back behind everyone, his gaze burning into me. I can tell he's on edge, not a fan of new faces, but it doesn't bother me.

Just do the job, and get out. As we get closer and closer, I motion to Price I'm going to break off. He gives the okay, and I walk off a few paces, finding a spot where I can scope the building.

Whispers in the Dark (Ghost/Konig)Where stories live. Discover now