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*Quinn's POV*


I jolt up in bed with a gasp, hand scrambling towards my gun. My mind catches up just as my fingers graze the cold metal.

I blink, staring through the darkness at the door as more pounding comes from it.

"verdammtes Arschloch," I curse to myself, slowly hauling myself from the safety of my bed and towards the door. (Fucking asshole)

I glance at the clock as I approach the door, crossing my arms over my chest to give myself a bit more privacy in my tank top.

As I pull the door open slowly, my gaze meets a chest, slowly crawling up until I'm met with an all-too-familiar mask. "Ja?" I ask sarcastically. (Yes?)

"You're oversleeping, Lieutenant," he mocks back, eyes narrowing as he studies me. Despite this, I can hear the satisfied smirk in his voice, like he's caught me doing something wrong.

"Verpiss dich," I reply, keeping my voice calm as I glare up at him. He raises an eyebrows towards me, "English, LT," he replies, his voice holding just a hint of annoyance. (Fuck off)

"I asked how, it's 5 in the morning and training isn't until 6." I bite back, trying to maintain a look of professionalism, and ignore the aggravation creeping up on me.

"As a leader, we need to be early. I'll be waiting." He says calmly, before turning on his heels and heading down the hall. I scoff, shutting the door and flicking on a light.

I suppose I should get ready.

I shake my head, cracking my neck and back, then start changing. I start down the hall towards the training room, securing my hair as I go. As I enter the room, I glance around and place my hands on my hips.

Just him and I.

I swallow a groan of annoyance, and instead tilt my head towards him, as if asking now what. He stares back, a low hum leaving him as he raises his arms, stretching each in turn above his head.

The fabric around his shoulders tightens as he moves, hugging him a bit more perfectly than I'd like to admit. I keep my gaze on his, not giving any clues as to what's running through my mind, and instead keeping the same cocky expression on my face.

"Warm up?" He finally asks, swinging his arms down in front of him. I narrow my eyes towards him, "I don't know what you're made of, LT." he adds on.

I sigh and start walking towards him, stretching out my arms as I approach. "Whenever you're ready," I say nonchalantly, replacing my hands on my hips.

He gives me a weird look, raising his arms into a defensive stance. I don't adjust, instead shift my weight from one foot to another.

He huffs in disapproval, before striking out towards me. I dodge the move easily, raising my eyebrows as a taunt when his eyes meet mine.

I watch a fire start behind his dark irises, his body tensing just slightly as he tries to hide his disbelief, the anger starting to course through his veins.

He lashes out again, and I easily avoid the blow. We continue like this for a while, almost like a dance, at least from my point of view. His seems a bit more rage filled.

I'm not quite sure what he expected. He's much larger than I am, so obviously he'd be slower. I will admit he's quicker than I'd imagine a man his size to be, but not quick enough to land a blow.

I finally decide I've had enough of aggravating him, and start pushing the offensive. As he swings a leg towards me, I grab it, pulling harshly.

His weight makes it difficult, and he merely stumbles from the force. I throw a fist towards him, his arms flying upwards to block it, then darting towards my wrist.

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