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*Quinn's POV*

"10 o'clock, two men. Heading towards the entrance."

Ghost stays low to his building as I speak, the men running by a moment later. The air is filled with gunfire and yelling. Our distraction is working well.

Price has contact with me through the walkie, while me and Ghost have an ear piece between us.

"Clear," I relay, "head left. That building looks promising."

"Copy," he replies, voice husk and quiet. I reach up and quietly adjust my scope, freezing as I hear a twig snap to my right.

Then I hear the voices, talking quietly. I push myself up quickly, silently, and work my way away from them.

"You're on your own, be careful." I whisper, hoping Ghost gets the message.

"What the fuck is happening?" He asks, the volume of his voice in my ear making it hard to hear the others around me.

"Going dark," I say back, reaching up to switch off the earpiece. "Quinn, are you-" his voice cuts off as I hit the tiny switch, still creeping backwards. The voices are getting closer.

I find an oddly shaped nook in the trunk of a tree, and carefully slide my rifle into it. I adjust the fabric on my face, sliding my back around the tree as I try to flank them.

I stop as I spot movement, a few yards away, coming closer. No good. I glance up, before jumping and grabbing a branch, then hauling myself upwards. The tree rustles softy as it takes on my weight, but thankfully doesn't grab anyone's attention.

Soon, the men are passing below me. Five of them. I try to make out roughly what they are saying, but to no avail. Guess I should have learned Spanish.

I watch them for a moment, finally decided they are heading towards base. Towards Ghost. I swing my legs down, slowing myself with my arms as I lower myself to hang, then drop back down to the ground.

The men continue onwards, completely unaware to my presence. I creep behind them, staying within the shadows and along trees as I inch closer. I watch as one leans his head towards his radio, speaking into it.

A voice replies a moment later, and the group continues on. I carefully pick out my target, watching his every move, taking in his equipment. Automatic in his hands, pistol on his hip.

I slowly step on a branch, making sure it cracks, all while keeping it quiet.

My target turns, glancing back towards me, while the others continue on. He calls out to them, briefly glancing at them before he turns back my direction.

I slowly creep away from the branch, getting closer and closer. His buddies wave him off, and continue on. He watches a little longer, giving me plenty of time to flank him.

He shrugs, and turns to continue on.


I wrap an arm around his head, hand covering his mouth as the other moves from habit across his neck. He doesn't make a sound, and I slowly lower his body behind the tree, out of sight from the others.

They continue on, completely unaware that someone is missing. I take a deep breath, then start again, slowly stalking closer. To my dismay, one stops, looking around behind him, then calls out a name.

I stop my advances, and watch as he motions for the others to continue, then back tracks. I crack my neck, fingers tightening on the handle of my blade, as he moves slowly past me.

I make my move, disposing of him in similar fashion as his friend, and lowering him behind another tree. He, however, kicks a leg as he goes down. My blood runs cold as I hear the others stop moving, silent whispers going between them.

Whispers in the Dark (Ghost/Konig)Where stories live. Discover now