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Warning, there is writing of sensitive topics in this chapter, continue cautiously

*Quinn's POV*

"Tell me," I state again, staring intently at the pale blue eyes that are staring back. "Not happening, not until you tell me why it matters so much."

I press my lips into a line, fighting my options in my head. I'm his lieutenant, I deserve to know what we discovered.

"Can I clean you up now?"

I release my breath, shoulders slouching as I reluctantly release my legs from my chest. I have yet to change, or do anything, since we've returned.

Just stared at the wall until Soap joined me.

He reaches out a hand, helping me up from the bed to stand before him. He smiles down at me, while I try my best to hold my glare up at him, hoping it might make him start talking.

He chuckles softly, reaching over to grab the small wash rag he brought in with him, slowly lifting it to my face.

I can see the white fabric turning red as he cleans the blood from my skin. "You really showed him what he deserved," he jokes softly, eyes focused intently on his cleaning.

"Is she okay?" I ask, my voice weaker than I would have liked. "Don't worry, lass, Price and the others are taking care of it."

"And the others..."

"Yes, I promise," he says softly, pulling my gaze to him.

"What happened.. let me help you."

I bite the inside of my cheek, too many horrible memories bubbling up once more.

I haven't talked about it since I told Konig all that time ago, and even then I couldn't control my sobs.

I open my mouth to speak, desperately trying to hold back tears already threatening to spill. A knock at the door pulls our heads, watching it open a second later.

The wooden doorway is filled by Ghost's frame, his eyes narrowing slightly as he glances between us. I step back, noticing how things might have looked to him, not that I should care.

"Johnny," he says, his tone dismissing him from the room.

"Could I just-"

"I have to speak to Lieutenant Myers."

Soap bites his tongue, sending me an apologetic look, before leaving the room. Ghost pushes the door shut behind him, his eyes never leaving me.

"You haven't changed."

"Clearly," I respond sarcastically.

He sighs, pulling my chair from my desk and taking a seat, eyes finding mine once more. "You okay?"

The question catches me off guard, and I nod slowly in response. "Want to.. talk about it?"

He seems to be struggling to find the right words, the right tone of voice as he sits awkwardly in the chair. "I'm fine."

Silence, broken only by the soft tapping of his heel on the wooden floor.

"You don't have to do this," I finally state, earning his eyes back on mine. "Do what?"

"This, act like you care. I'll be at training tomorrow."

I'm not sure if I imagined the hurt that flashes across his eyes, before he pinched the bridge of his nose, groaning softly.

He then stands, dismissing himself, and opening the door. Soap is in the hall, eyes darting up at Ghost leaves.

He reenters, glancing around the room as the dork shuts once more. "That was quick," he jokes. I force a smile, but I know he can tell.

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