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*Quinn's POV*

"Well then, sweetheart, on your knees."

I stare dumbfounded back at him, his body language giving no hints to him joking. I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. He pushes off the desk, slowly walking towards me.

"Don't get tongue tied now, love."

My jaw snaps shut, a nervous gulp forcing its way down my throat. His eyes then narrow, clearly displeased.

"I don't like repeating myself."

The intimidation is clear in his voice, and soon he's looming over me, his eyes a clear sign of challenge, looking for what I'm to do next.

My heart thrashes in my chest, my thoughts racing. Is he serious? Am I serious?

"Fuck you," I hiss, clenching my fist at my sides.

He scoffs, turning and heading back to the desk. "Either you do your fuckin' push ups now, or the whole bloody base will watch you do them."

I stare at him, until he finally sits and faces me again.


"You don't get to skip training because your fucking heart is broken, or because you don't like our next mission location."

I keep my mouth shut, slowly lowering myself to the floor in front of his desk. "How many?"


"One hundred?!" I exclaim, only to see the seriousness in his eyes. He glares at me once more, then focuses back on the pile of papers ahead of him.

I groan internally, and start counting.

"That is the last time I offer my help to that asshole," I seethe, mumbling to myself as I head back to my room.

I was in there for an hour, and my arms are burning. It's not like I was counting out loud, but when I tried to stop, and act like I had finished, he said 'you're only at 68, keep going.'

Or 'that was lousy, redo it' when I half-assed a set. And yet, his eyes never left the fucking papers ahead of him.

Still, a part of me wanted to stay with him in the office. The hate running through my veins mixed with want.

'On your knees,'

I wonder what would have happened if I did as he said, no questions asked.

Snap out of it.

I scold myself, shaking my head to rid the thoughts from my mind, but it returns a moment later, staying with me as I change for bed, and crawl underneath the sheets in the dark room.

His tall form looming over mine, his husk voice praising me, instead of scolding me. His rough hands running through my hair as I-

"Shit," I whisper to myself, turning once more in my bed. Of all the choices on this god-forsaken base, why him.

Well, he's everything you know you should avoid.

Quiet, intimidating, emotionless, hardly gives me the time of day, and that horrible fucking mask.

I finally turn again, pulling open the drawer to the nightstand, and grab the only thing I know can help me.

I stare up at the ceiling, pushing down my ashamed thoughts as I turn it on, the low buzz filling the air, disappearing under the blankets a second later.

Little did I know, Ghost lays awake on the other side of the wall, listening to every little sound coming from my room, as he's done many times before.

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