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*Quinn's POV*

"You would think? But no, no targets were hit that day. Most definitely the worst training session I've ever witnessed," I gossip, laying lazily on the couch in Konig's office as he does paper work.

Just like old times.

"Well, Schatz, not everyone catches on as quickly as you." He defends sarcastically, sending me a playful glare. (Sweetheart)

"Oh don't act like you saw my first week on base." I retort, sitting up as I watch the lines appear beside his eyes, indicating a grin beneath the hood.


"I didn't say anything."

"You didn't have to, what did you see!"

He glanced back up towards me, sighing then leaning back. "You were straight out of recruitment, hardly knew how to hold a gun. You didn't hit anything."

My eyes widen as he explains how my first day went, a day that happened roughly 5 years before I ever met him.

"What? How do you know that?"

"I was there, Liebling. You just don't remember."

I cock an eyebrow towards him, indicating for him to continue. "You only stood out because of how terrible you were." He teases, earning a laugh from me. "That's why I was so intrigued when you came back a hero one day, someone to be feared."

I smile softly, about to ask him more when a knock comes from the door. Konig invites them in as I sit up, relaxing a second later as I see Soap.

"There you are," he says happily, fully entering the room. "Price needs ya."

I sigh, pushing myself up, "did he say why?"

He shakes his head, "sorry lass, no indication." I groan softly, then start down the hall towards his office.

It's been four days since Ghost left, and I'm definitely feeling his absence. Mostly because Price now relies of me for all the small task he use to give Ghost.

And because his lingering presence was always oddly comforting.

I enter the office, greeting the captain respectfully. "You needed me?"

"Yes, please, shut the door, take a seat."

I do as he says, sitting in the chair in front of his desk. "Well, to jump right in... we've received some intel that might be a lead for us."

My eyes widen, my blood bubbling with excitement already. "However... we've lost contact. Unsure the cause."

My face immediately shifts back to serious, nodding softly. "I'm sending you and a small team to the area to scope things out, and potentially locate a valuable target.."

He slides a picture towards me of a man, his name printed on the bottom. Conrad Fischer.

He has longer hair, hanging down either side of his face, along with a grown out mustache and beard. Dark eyes stare back at me as I observe his picture.

"You comfortable with the mission?"

"Yes sir," I say confidently, pulling my eyes from the man and back towards Price. He smiles softly at me, giving a short nod. "I'm sending you with two men, leaving first thing in the morning. Confirm the target, then get out. We'll do a full infiltration after that point.

"Yes, sir."

He smiles again towards me, "dismissed LT, see you in the morning."

Whispers in the Dark (Ghost/Konig)Where stories live. Discover now