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Warning: this chapter contains mature scenes.

*Ghost's POV*

I lean back against the wall of the common area as soldiers filter in, grabbing their food and taking a seat.

My eyes stay on her, seated next to Soap as he chats away. But she hardly pays attention, her body shifting with anticipation every few seconds, her fork pushing around the same food on her plate as she nods in response to his words.

Her once cold demeanor has vanished, and I know my words swim around her head, bringing to life the emotions she's displaying despite trying to hide them.

The way she fights to keep her eyes off of me, but caves every few minutes, gracing me with her green eyes on mine.

I roll my shoulders back, adjusting my crossed arms on my chest, debating what I wish to do to her tonight.

It's just sex.

I repeat it to myself over and over, making sure I don't get too carried away. This field is no breeding ground for romance, no matter how wonderful her voice sounds, or the way her body fits perfectly below mine.

It's just sex.

She seems to relax a bit, just a bit, as Soap talks her ear off. I watch the pair, still debating all the ways I can make her scream.

Soap starts laughing at something, pulling my mind from my internal debate, and he throws his arm around her shoulder, pulling her to his chest.

I shift my jaw, eyes narrowing slightly as the blood rushes to my ears.

To close, Johnny.

She laughs as well, gently removing his arm from her, though he hardly seems to notice as he continues on with whatever he's talking about.

I relax back against the wall, good girl.

The feeling only last a moment, when her head raises to look around, but stops before she has a chance to find me.

I watch as she stares, her eyes a mix of longing and hurt. I follow her gaze, grinding my teeth when I see what she sees.


He stares back at her, his sniper hood swaying just a bit as he lifts his head from his meal, waiting for her to break the eye contact. She does a moment later, and he returns to his food, as if nothing happened.

I suppress the way my heart thrashes in my chest, slowly forcing my fist to release, and choosing to crack my neck instead.

If shared glances from three tables over is the only thing the pair shares, then I can handle that. He's not the one joining her in her room tonight.

Her eyes then find mine, lingering a second longer than she had allowed before. I shift my weight, tilting my head to the side as I stare back.

Her cheeks flush bright red as her eyes dart back to her food. I smirk, admiring the way her loose hair falls over her face, hiding her undeniable attraction for me.

I feel the blood in my body rushing south as I watch her, growing impatient. Dinner needs to end sooner. She glances towards me again, unable to keep her gaze away.

The tightness in my pants becomes increasingly uncomfortable as I watch her, and I end up dismissing myself early, retreating to my room.

Hours feel like days as I wait for the base to quiet down, the sun setting beneath the horizon. I spent most of the time staring at the ceiling, replaying the memorized sounds of her moans in my head, counting down the minutes before I hear them again.

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