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Warning: this chapter contains mature scenes. This content is contained at the end of the chapter, however I do recommend to those who skip that part to read the last 8 paragraphs (or sections, idk what to call them) of the chapter. These don't contain any smut, but does contain plot that is good to know.

Also, Fair warning to all, this chapter is extremely long compared to others (like double). I've also decided that I am going to change chapters containing smut to have () instead of [] in the chapter title. Thanks and I hope y'all enjoy!!

*Quinn's POV*

(Assume everything said within the flashback is in German, despite it being written in English)

It's been a week since mom died, and dad has only gotten worse. He's started yelling at me for speaking English in the house, stating 'there is no need anymore.'

He has also ceased all English speaking, and instead yells to himself in his native language late into the night.

He's started drinking, a lot actually. It's scaring me. I'm not sure how to help him, I'm not sure how to feel.

He lashed out at me today, for saying something in English after I got home from school..

He's never done that before.

I study the nasty bruise in the mirror, placed on my upper arm. It already blued in color, clear as day through my blurry vision, the tears have yet to stop.

It hurts. Everything hurts.

Why did she have to die?

I can't talk to him. I can't bring her up, it only makes him worse.

He's been skipping work, I've noticed. He states he has the day off, screaming at me if I try to reason with him.

"Mind you fucking business, and go to school."

He's never been mean before. Not when mom was here.

I wish mom was here.


I rummage through my clothes, trying to find something other than cargos and T-shirts. I was told the mission was a success, but I don't remember much from yesterday.

At least, not much about the mission.

Soap subconsciously forbid me from hiding in my room, and instead pulled me around base with him.

Thankfully, nobody has said anything. Price asked once when we got back, but that's it. Konig's knowing look follows me around base, but he keeps his distance.

Ghost has since disappeared within the confines of the office, and I've learned my lesson about offering help.

Alejandro, however, thought it was a wonderful idea for the base to take a night out, and celebrate our victory.

I was told it's whoever wishes to go, but Soap's pleading eyes are hard to say no to. So here I am, scrounging up something a little more normal than cargos and T-shirts.

I stop, staring down as my eyes land on a particular fabric. I take a shaky breath in, gently raising the fabric up, letting it unfold so I can fully take it in.

It's a basic dress, solid red with soft lace edges, knee high in length.

It's beautiful, passed to me by my mother.

Because of this, I've never worn it, and instead cherish it and its memories. She always told me how she'd love to see me in it one day, but that day has long passed.

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