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Warning: mature scenes at the beginning of this chapter, they aren't all that detailed and not long, but a warning nonetheless :)

*Ghost's POV*

I groan softly as her mouth bobs up and down on my length, light fingers running over my thighs.

"That's it," I grumble, hand falling to the back of her head to push her down farther. My subconscious yelling at me to not use pet names, because it's not her.

I imagine she's is her, eyes closed and back against the wall as I imagine how she'd look wrapped around my cock.

Unfortunately, the realization that she wouldn't be here with me hits me hard, my high fading away from my stomach just as fast.

She'd never be here with me, because I'd never have her pleasure me instead of me pleasure her, unless she asked to.

The hardwiring in my head places these two in completely different categories, something I can't control despite how badly I want to.

"Enough," I finally hiss, pulling my hips away from the girl between my feet. She wipes her mouth as she looks up towards me, a hint of hurt in her gaze. "Did I do something wrong?"

Her voice is small and unconfident. "No," I reply, zipping up my pants and stepping around her. "I could come see you tonight-"

"Not necessary."

She falls quiet, her lip quivering as I leave her in the supply closet.

It's been a rough two weeks since that day, the day I pulled Konig away from Quinn as she cowered in the corner.

The day she sent me away, accepting his comfort over my protection.

The day I stole her file from Price's office, just to feel guilty when all I found was why she joined the military, because her father was an abusive drunk.

Well, eleven days to be exact.

Eleven days of contact with the men out gathering intel, coming up empty handing after the bust on the sex trafficking house.

Eleven days of watching her walk base with him right beside her, her mood increasing each day he's around, making my blood boil beyond comprehension.

Eleven days of watching her as she leaves her room at night, just to sit and watch the stars on her own. I'd lean against the building behind her, taking long drags of my cigarette, the filthy habit I thought I'd broken, as I watch her stare at the sky.

I'm not the only one who's notice, which means I'm not crazy.

I need a fucking break. I need to get off this base, and Price has already told me no.

I head to the common area, sitting beside Soap as he sorts through some reports for Price. "LT," he greets, sending me a quick smile before returning to his work.

I grunt in response, leaning back as my eyes find her once again, sitting across the room with him. The occasional glances my way drives me fucking insane.

Makes my brain think that maybe I haven't fucked up all the bad.

Not much to fuck up if it's just sex.

But it's not, it's more than that.

I need her like a fucking fish needs water. Pathetic.

Littering my mind with her presence, it's infuriating. Constantly replaying how she felt beside me, under me.

Holding on to any grasp of her I have. Her laugh echos across the room, his eyes following her with a gleam I wish didn't exist.

Two peas in a fucking pod, the lot of 'em.

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