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*Quinn's POV*

I stand under the cold shower water, not really sure how long I've been in here. The skin on my fingers is wrinkled from the water, indicating it's been longer than I thought.

I didn't sleep. Couldn't sleep.

I'm so tired.

He left me alone in the cold, dark room, and my heart broke all over again. Funny to think it could have been different.

Not that I care, I just want the nightmares to stop. They seem so real.

I can't sleep, did I say that already?

He comes when I sleep, tormenting me just as he did after mom died. The lack of bruising is the only indication it's not real this time.

Banging comes from my door, pulling me from thought. I turn off the water, wrapping a towel around me before calling through the door.

"Der Oberst hat mich geschickt, um nach Ihnen zu sehen, Leutnant," the voice calls back. (Colonel sent me to check on you, Lieutenant)

I sigh, my mind running to Konig at his mention. "Ich werde bald da sein," I reply. I hear the footsteps retreat, and slowly start getting ready for training. (I'll be there soon)

I arrive in the training room 30 minutes late, earning a few glances, and a glare from Ghost. I ignore them all, and head to a small mat by myself to stretch.

Soap doesn't take long to find me, and we do some lousy training exercises together. "You look tired," he says quietly. I scoff, "tell me about it."

He gives me a sympathetic smile, "want to talk about it?"


He can't know, Ghost is the person he is closest to, possibly closer to him than he is to me.

"It's fine, just a rough night," I brush it off. He doesn't push, and instead starts talking about things he's heard about the upcoming mission. I welcome the distraction, and the information since nobody else has decided to tell me.

The rest of the hour goes by quickly, thankfully, and I'm soon walking back to my room.


I turn towards the voice, smiling slightly as I find Price at the source. "Captain," I greet with a respectful nod.

"Walk with me?" He says lightly. I fall into step with him, heading outside into the cool morning air.

"So, we've recently received new intel in regard to our current mission," he starts, pulling a cigar and lighting it as he speaks.

I nod slowly, already aware due to Soap's talk this morning. "We've identified a small building that seems to have taken some deliveries of those crates that were shipped here. We aren't entirely sure who they are or their plan yet.."

He trails off, stopping and turning towards me. "I have a request for you."

I raise an eyebrow slightly, and he continues with his proposal. "We need to infiltrate, quietly." I nod slowly, waiting for the punchline. "Now, the task force is good at what they do, but from what I've heard, your capabilities exceed what we are looking for here."

I smile slightly at the compliment, "I'm honored you feel that way." He smiles in return, the continues. "We'll do this how you see fit, Lieutenant., just say the word."

I nod, already set on what I prefer. "I'll go in alone, sir, clear the entry way so the others can infiltrate."

He nods in approval, "I'll brief the men in a few hours, you're free to join to hear more details."

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