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*Quinn's POV*

I stir my food around with my fork, staring off into my plate. I'd rather be in my room, but Soap wouldn't quit bugging me.

Him and Alejandro chat beside me, clearly trying to stay cheerful and unaware of the distance I'm holding myself at.

"We'll be fine, you won't be alone," he tried to persuade, as I storm out of the office and back to my room. "You don't get it." I hiss, trying not to release my emotions onto him. He doesn't deserve it.

"What's so bad about Germany?"

I stop, spinning around quickly. His look of shock is what makes me bite my tongue. I sigh, shoulders slouching. "It's my own business. Don't worry about it, I'll figure it out. Just give me the night."

Since then he's just maintaining his bubbly self, despite my clear disinterest to what's going on around me.

Besides that moment, I haven't given any more indications to my feelings, just.. cut off. Distant. Back to how it was before the quirky man with the Mohawk let me open up.

Back to how it was when-

I snap out of it, picking up on the sets of footsteps coming from down the hall. I glance over my shoulder briefly, spotting Price, with Ghost a few steps behind him.

The two have been inseparable since the meeting a few days ago, constantly shutting themselves in an office, hushed voices that can't be heard through the door.

It bothered me I wasn't included, but at the same time I was glad. I knew what they were doing, getting everything in place to leave, and I wanted no part of it.

I wasn't going.

I'd stay here with Alejandro and his men and continue to face the issue here. I mean, someone has to, right?

The threat in Germany is only half the issue.

It still bothered me that I was never given an update. Sure, I've been skipping training, and hardly coming out from my room, but I'm still in a role of leadership here.

My thoughts disperse as Price opens the main door, his back to me as he sticks out a hand, shaking someone's else's. He steps outside, the hum of his voice carrying through the room as men file in.

Four of them.

My eyes narrow on them, their uniforms being all too familiar. Price walks in, a figure following behind.

My heart drops to my stomach, and I can't stop the look that forms on my face. Hurt, disbelief, hate, anger.

It's when his pale blue eyes find mine, his deep voice stopping mid-sentence, shoulders dropping and head tilting slightly, that's when I snap.

*Ghost's POV*

"Sir, Kortac has arrived," I inform Price, leaning slightly on the doorway to his office. He nods, standing and leading the way to the main entrance.

I follow behind, eyes trailing to the three seated nearby. I sigh, not wanting to confront how I've been feeling about her skipping training.

It's unprofessional.

"She's not doing well, cut her a break," Soap said, practically commanded.

I did as he asked, but three days later and no improvement is not a good look. She has been visiting the infirmary as she should, so I guess that's the bright side.

Slowly stalking behind her as she silently walks the hall, ensuring she's getting checked out by the nurses. Her actions on the mission were reckless, she won't be making more poor decisions on my watch.

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