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This chapter contains writing of sensitive topics, continue cautiously.

(I haven't reread yet for spelling errors so I apologize in advance)

*Quinn's POV*

I walk silently, as if I'm hovering over the ground, the night air cool against my face. I head towards the light in the distance, hands tapping gently over each of my weapons in a silent check list.

Gun, knives, more knives.

I then reach up to adjust my mask around my nose, up to my ears and down my neck. The hood covering it all hanging just over my forehead.

Then finally, I tap the small pocket on the chest of my tactical vest, right over the necklace I know is resting inside.

I try to wonder what life would be like if she were still here, where I'd be with my life. But I always instinctively force the thought away, because with it comes the cold truth of the life I was given.

The sound of muffled voices gets louder as I get closer, only one man by the door. The house is small, one story from the looks of it.

I stop on the outskirts of the trees surrounding the small building, studying the man by the door. He has a small gun on his hip, hands busy on his phone as he snickers at whatever has him occupied.

I glance towards the hill I know the others are settled on, watching. The task force, along with a few men from Kortac, waiting for the 'okay' to infiltrate.

"Alone? Are you sure this is the smartest approach?"

Konig's voice rings in my head, just after Price told him the plan.

It was right then, of course, he 'volunteered' to come as well, though it was more a command.

I flip a knife slowly between my fingers, landing delicately on the hilt, before slinging it towards the man at the door.

It buries deep in his chest, the light colored shirt, staining red as he slowly looks down, before slumping to the ground.

I prance forwards, leaning down to grab my knife, before taking a bow towards the hill. I can practically feel the angry radiating from behind his skull-mask from here, and I know his eyes are on me.

I continue on, glancing in the window beside the door to ensure the way is clear, before creeping in. The door latches silently behind me, as loud laughter comes from the left.

"Betrüger!," a man yells, which is met with more laughing. "Bezahle," the one laughing states, the sound of coins sliding echoing in response. (Cheater! | Pay up)

I peak around the corner, spotting the two men seated at a round, wooden table. Cards, money, and drinks littering the area between them.

"Sich beruhigen!," a new voice yells, coming from a room straight ahead. I dart across the doorway, creeping towards the third man, and finally spot him in the living room, eyes focused on a rather loud television. (Quiet down)

I start running through ways of disposing of them, knowing it's best to start with the man in the living room. I reach for a knife, freezing when I hear a door open, followed by distant screaming and crying.

The door shuts a moment later, a loud sigh coming from the living room, along with the couch scratching the wooden floor as someone falls harshly into the cushion.

"Wie war es?," the third man asks, the new man responding a second later. "Ich hatte schon bessere." (How was it? | I've had better)

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