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*Quinn's POV*

I walk down to the training room, arriving right at 6. A few heads turn my way as I approach the front of the room, including the one I don't want turning anywhere near me.

Ghost breaks away from his conversation with Soap, and stands beside me. "Myers," he greets, crossing his arms and gazing over the group of soldiers. "Ghost."

"Tell me what you know about Kortac," he says quietly, eyeballing the group on the far wall. Konig is speaking to them, the hum of his voice drifting through the air.

"They're good. Special forces, well trained. I don't know these specific guys," I tell him, glancing anywhere but them.

"And the tall one..?" He asks, trailing off as he forgets his name. "Konig. He does his job," I reply. "Hand to hand?"

"Good, size helps him."


"Not his thing," I remark. Ghost grunts in reply, before addressing the room. Everyone falls quiet, and Ghost starts pairing people up, giving parameters for the session.

Konig's gaze finds mine, blue eyes bright beneath the mask. I glare towards him before pulling my gaze away, wishing they never showed up in the first place.

The pull in my chest grabs my attention, but I fight it down, knowing I don't ever want to rekindle whatever happened before.

I only half pay attention as the groups go up, spending most of my time zoning out as I stare at the ground.

"Liebling.." I tense up as the familiar voice pulls me from thought, only lifting my head slightly to stare at the two men sparring. (Darling)

"Was willst du?" I say harshly, voice just above a whisper. "Can we talk?" His voice sounds hurt, and sincere, but I know better than that. (What do you want?)

"Your English has improved," I remark, avoiding the question. "You always preferred it," he whispers, "reminds you of your mother."

My stomach drops slighty at his words, chest tightening as I bite my cheek. "That was years ago."

"I never forgot, Liebling, I remember all the little details you shared with me." I scoff, glancing up towards him, "I've changed. It'd help you to remember that." (Darling)

His emotions of hurt portray through his eyes perfectly, but I look away before my stern demeanor can falter.

"Myers." I look up as my name is spoken, meeting Ghost's dark brown eyes, narrowed as he studies us. "Care to go next?"

I shrug, keeping a cold expression on my face as I step forward. "I'll face her," Konig speaks behind me. I frown in disbelief, but Ghost merely nods.

I sigh, getting ready on my half of the mat. Konig stares back, arms raising slightly as he readies himself.

Ghost gives the word, and I waste no time lunging forward. I know Konig's weaknesses like the back of my hand, mind racing with those extra practices we'd share together.

"Again," I state, König huffing in front of me as he catches his breath. "One.. moment," he breathes out, slowly lowering himself to sit.

His arms dangle over his knees as he hangs his head between his legs. I smile slightly, approaching him and sitting across from him.

"You'll get there," I encourage softly. "I'm not built for this," he replies, almost embarrassed. "No, you're not. That's why we are learning it."

Whispers in the Dark (Ghost/Konig)Where stories live. Discover now