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*Quinn's POV*

The last few days have been more than I bargained for, but I was determined to do anything necessary. Which included agreeing to follow Conrad as his men packed up and switched locations.

Price is confident he plays a major roll in the terrorist plot, but doesn't have enough evidence to back up his claim.

We tail far behind in the truck, remaining unnoticed as we follow along. I will admit, this is more interesting than the last three days have been, but not by much.

Conrad hasn't done a single thing to seem like a target, besides the armed men at his side at all times.

When he finally arrived at the new location, an isolated building in the middle of nowhere, we set up to watch, and I have been keeping entertained by talking with Soap.

He's been the one assigned to take my reports, but also makes time to share conversations, and keep me  entertained.

I'm grateful for his presence, the time he waste listening to me ramble. And today is no different, minus the change in location. I lean back against a tree, binoculars in hand as I once again scan the building.

"I'm sure he'll do something worth watching soon," Soap says hopefully. I laugh and agree, "I hope so, we need time to figure out what happened to the last man watching him."

Soap agrees, and continues to listen to my lazy reports of nothingness. "Shoulda taken me with ya, lass." He joked. I smile, "yeah, well, I didn't want to put you in danger if things turned south."

"It's in the job title,"  he remarks cockily. "Yeah yeah," I laugh, shaking my head and rolling my eyes.

I hear background noise come from his mic, pulling my focus slightly as I try to figure out what's going on back on base. "Sorry- one sec," he says, the other end of the line muting a second later.

I sigh, pushing myself up and brushing off my pants, then heading back to our makeshift camp.

"Hey, du bist wach,"I state, motioned to the person on next watch rotation. He responds respectfully, grabbing his rifle then heading to take my place. (Hey, you're up.)

I nod to him as he passes, then head to my tent, sighing as I finally relax.

Shuffling comes from my ear piece as I pull off my boots. "Soap? You back?" I question, leaning back on my hands.

The line stays quiet, and I wonder if I imaged the noise. "Not quite, sweetheart." My heart stops at the familiar voice, soft and gentle on the other side of the line.

My breath catches slightly, mind racing through what to say. "Ghost?" I finally question, my voice small and uneven as I wait to hear him again.

"I'm here, love."

I release my breath, smiling as he responds. The smile remains as we talk, and I enjoy his company more than I'd like to admit.

*Ghost's POV*

I step into base with my bag slung around my shoulder. Typically, I'd be aggravated with the lack of useful intel gathered. Instead, I've been itching to return to base.

Getting away was supposed to clear my head, fix things, and yet she never left my mind. Only made me want to come back sooner. Soap's daily updates did little to soothe my mind, especially since he doesn't know the real reason I ask for them.

"We've been great, LT! Price has me organizing old reports... but it's something to do!"

I glance around common room, instinctively looking for Quinn. To my surprise, she is not placed beside the large Colonel, as he sits with a few of his own soldiers.

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