Meld-Chapter 72

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[Holodeck - Sandrine's]

"Game." Harry said after he hit some pool balls into the net thingy.

"Why don't we make it interesting this time? Let's add some table stakes." Tom suggests.

"What kind of stakes?" Harry asked.

PARIS: I don't know. Hmm. Couple of replicator rations, maybe?" Tom asked.

He owed Amanda quite a lot of rations, as he always managed to use his.

"Don't do it, Harry. He's hustling you." Ricky warned she was standing at the bar with Sandrine.

"Wait a minute. Are you saying he deliberately let me win?" Harry asked.

"That would be dishonest, Harry." Tom said.

"I won that game, and I'll beat you again." Harry said, he was too overconfident.

"How many rations are you willing to bet on that?" Tom asked.

"Go for it, Harry." a crewmember said.

"A week's worth." Harry said.

"Harry, Harry, Harry. Never, ever play with anyone, not even your best friend, if he says let's make it interesting. You want a little action, I'll give you a little action. How about an honest game of chance?" Tom asked.

"Never play with anyone, even your best friend, if he offers you an honest game of chance, Harry." Ricky warned.

"Amanda's my best friend." Harry corrected.

"One replicator ration is all it takes to play, and the only thing you have to do to win is pick a number. Just predict what the radiogenic particle count will be at twelve hundred hours tomorrow, and if you hit the pot is yours. Minus a small handling fee for the bank, of course." Tom said.

"I'll take a piece of that." said a crewman.

"Jones." said Jones giving his name for the gambling pot.

"Harry, get a PADD, take down these names and numbers." Tom said.

"I'm in too." Harry adds.

"Lewis, twenty one hundred." said Lewis.


"Ensign Hogan, still no luck with the warp drive?" B'Elanna asked.

She tried to send Amanda out but Amanda refused, and B'Elanna couldn't order her out as Amanda outranked her.

"No, Lieutenant. The manifold just won't fire up. We've finally narrowed it down to some kind of a problem in EPS conduit one four one." Hogan replied.

"Was there any indication yesterday that there was something wrong?" B'Elanna asked.

"Suder was monitoring the EPS flow and the CCF. He says everything was fine. Amanda was here to, at you workstation but she fell asleep, Suder told me." Hogan said.

"I guess we'll just have to get in there and track it down. Mandy needs to stop over working herself." said B'Elanna.

B'Elanna gestures to Amanda opening a conduit. Amanda screams causing B'Elanna and Hogan to run over.

"Oh my God." B'Elanna muttered.

They see a Human body.

[Mess hall]

"Happy Kal Rekk, Mister Vulcan!" Neelix exclaimed.

"The holiday of Kal Rekk is not for two weeks." Tuvok said.

"But it's the Kal Rekk season." Neelix said.

"There is no Kal Rekk season. Kal Rekk is a day of atonement, solitude and silence." Tuvok replied.

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