Cold Fire-Chapter 61

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"Lieutenant, can you hear me?" the Doctor asked.

"What happened?" Tuvok asked.

"Your cell membranes went through hyperthermic induction. The temperature of your blood rose by thirty seven degrees in a matter of seconds. You were in shock and I resuscitated you. I'm restricting you to light duty for the next three days. Try and get some rest." the Doctor said.

"That will not be necessary, Doctor. My Vulcan healing techniques do not require an extended period of convalescence." Tuvok said getting off the biobed.

"Vulcans make the worst patients. Fine. But if you're feeling any nausea or dizziness I'm expecting you to report to Sickbay at once." the Doctor huffed.

"Of course." Tuvok said.

"Tuvok, I'm so--" Kes began.

"You are probably feeling the emotion known as remorse, possibly guilt. I advise you to look on this incident as a learning experience." Tuvok states.

"It's not that easy. I almost killed you." Kes said.

"That is correct. But you did not. Try to remember that. I will see you tomorrow at fifteen hundred hours, assuming you wish to continue your training." Tuvok states.

"You still want to teach me?" Kes asked.

"If this experience proves anything, it is that you need further instruction, and I would regret not continuing as your instructor." Tuvok explained.

"Thanks, Tuvok." Kes said.


The plants are still lush after Tanis' fertilizer boost.

"How's the Vulcan? Is he going to recover?" Tanis asked.

"You heard?" Kes asked.

"In a manner of speaking. I was aware of what happened." Tanis admitted, treading carefully.

"He's going to be all right, no thanks to me. Tanis, I've been thinking. I don't know if I'm ready for this." said Kes.

"What's wrong?" Tanis asked.

"If I can't control my abilities, there might be another accident." Kes said.

"I'm afraid it isn't going to get any easier, Kes. You're already starting to manifest abilities far beyond anything you've ever imagined. Soon you'll be so far beyond the other beings on this ship that you'll look at them as they look at pets." Tanis said.

"They're not pets. They're people, they're my friends." Kes said, defensivly.

"And I'm sure you care for them very much. I'm sure they're wonderful people. They certainly seem that way to me but, it's time that you began to accept how different you are from them. The people on this ship, they live their lives trapped inside their primitive skulls, depending on flesh and bone to tell them what the universe is like. They don't know what it is to see beyond the physical. Touch it. This is how they know the universe. They touch the flower, their nerve impulses travel up their arm to the brain, and in their mind they sense the moisture of the petals, the texture of the leaves, the sharpness of the thorns, and think they know what it feels like. But they don't. Now touch it. Reach out with your thoughts. Feel it for the very first time. Think of nothing but the flower. It's the only object in the universe. Know it. Know it in a way only an Ocampa can. Can you see it?" Tanis asked.

"Yes. It's more than seeing. It's more than touching. I know this flower." Kes replied.

"You can do more. Reach out. Feel all the life in this room." Tanis said.

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