Jetrel-Chapter 38

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"He hasn't left me with a single shot." said Neelix. Some of the crew were relaxing on the holodeck, Neelix was playing pool with Tuvok, Amanda and Tom watched, along with the Gaunt Gary hologram. "In that case, pal, call a safety." said Gaunt Gary. "Safety?" asked Neelix. "It's a defensive strategy. Since you can't make a shot, the idea is to leave the cue ball somewhere on the table where Tuvok can't make a shot either." Amanda explained. "Oh, I don't know. It sounds cowardly." said Neelix. "Suit yourself pal, but if you leave Vulcan Slim over here with an open shot he's got a very good chance of running the table." said Gaunt Gary. "All right. Safety." said Neelix.

Neelix sends the cue ball round two bumpers without touching another ball. That'd be a foul stroke in snooker. "Ah ha ha! Mister Vulcan, let's see you reason your way out of this conundrum. This safety business is a lot more satisfying than I imagined. I've left him with an impossible shot." said Neelix triumphantly. "The shot may be difficult, Mister Neelix, but to say that it is impossible is an exaggeration." Tuvok says, Amanda and Tom look at each other. "Go ahead then. Call your shot." said Neelix. "Logic would dictate that if I strike the cue ball properly, it will deflect first off the rear bumper, then the side, striking the eleven ball and causing it to roll directly into the corner pocket." said Tuvok.

Amanda grinned as if Christmas had come early, she couldn't wait for Tuvok to be wrong. "This I have to see." said Tom, he seemed to be thinking the same as Amanda. The cue ball hits the rear bumper and drops into the pocket. "Perhaps the ship's stabilisers are not operating at peak efficiency." said Tuvok. Amanda scoffed. "Looks like Vulcan's can't lose." she said, Tuvok opened his mouth to argue. "Yeah, and maybe Tom Terrific over here forgot to tell you that Sandrine's table rolls a little to the east." said Gaunt Gary before Tuvok could speak.

Amanda looked at Tom who looked sheepish. "You should have called a safety." said Neelix. "Janeway to Mister Neelix. Please report to the bridge." said Janeway, Tom and Amanda looked at each other. "Tuvok, give me your cue please. Hey Gary, set this up." said Amanda grabbing her drink off of the bar.

"Who's going to win?" Sandrine asked Ricky. "Amanda." Ricky states, after Tom reprogramed the Ricky hologram, she and Amanda actually got along.


"You wanted to see me, Captain." said Neelix. "Yes, Neelix. We've received a subspace message from an approaching vessel. They're asking for you." replied Janeway. "Me?" Neelix asked. "The alien ship is entering visual range, Captain." said Harry. "Slow to impulse. On screen. Do you recognise it?" Janeway asked.

"That's a Haarkonian shuttle." said Neelix. "Haarkonian?" asked Chakotay. "My people were at war with them for the better part of a decade. They conquered my homeworld more than fifteen years ago." said Neelix. "Any idea what the Haarkonians want with you now?" asked Chakotay. "None at all." said Neelix. "The shuttle is hailing us, Captain." said Harry.

"Open a channel." said Janeway. "Channel open." replied Harry. "I'm Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager. What can we do for you." said Janeway. "As I stated in my message, Captain, I understand you have a Talaxian called Neelix aboard your vessel." said Jetrel the man on the viewscreen. 

"I'm Neelix. What do you want?" asked Neelix. "It is a matter of utmost urgency. However, I would prefer to speak with you privately. Your life may very well depend on it." Jetrel replied. "Who are you?" asked Neelix. "Forgive me. I am Jetrel. Doctor Ma'bor Jetrel." said Jetrel. Neelix leaves the bridge, very upset. "Neelix." said Janeway.

[Ready room]

"He's a mass murderer! When I was much younger my family and I lived on a moon called Rinax, a colony with the most temperate climate in the entire Talaxian system. Warm days, balmy nights. Until the Metreon Cascade. A melodic name, isn't it? Especially for a weapon of mass destruction." said Neelix. "And Jetrel was somehow involved with this weapon?" asked Janeway. "Doctor Jetrel was the scientist who conceived the Metreon Cascade, then he led the team of scientists who built it." said Neelix. "I see." said Janeway. 

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