Dreadnought-Chapter 75

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[Ready room]

Janeway's doorbell chimed.

"Come in." she said.

Amanda walked in.

"Captain, may I make a suggestion, that you don't have to agree to but it might be our only chance." said Amanda.

"Go ahead." said Janeway.

"Collide Voyager with Dreadnought." Amanda said.

"That might be the only way, I'm waiting for a call from the First Minister Kellan." said Janeway.

"Captain it is the only way, I'll leave you to it." said Amanda.

She left, Janeway sat thoughtfully, she knew Amanda was right, Kellan appeared on the screen.

"People are crowding every port trying to get off the eastern continent. There aren't enough ships." Kellan said.

JANEWAY: Kellan, there are still forty one minutes for us to prevent this." said Janeway.

"What can be done in forty one minutes?" Kellan asked.

"I'm prepared to use this ship to detonate the warhead before the missile reaches you." said Janeway.

"Use your ship? To collide with it?" Kellan asked.

JANEWAY: Something like that." said Janeway.

"Do you really think that would work?" Kellan asked.

"I'm not sure." said Janeway.

"You would sacrifice yourselves to benefit a people you didn't even know two days ago?" Kellan asked.

"To save two million lives? That's not a hard decision." said Janeway.

"Your reputation in this quadrant isn't deserved, Captain. For what it's worth, you've made a friend here." Kellan said.

"I'm still hoping we'll have a chance to celebrate this new friendship together." Janeway said.


"All key systems have been secured. You will not gain access." said Dreadnought.

"I'm not interested in your key systems anymore, Dreadnought." said B'Elanna.

"That is an unlikely assertion, B'Elanna." Dreadnought said.

"Seriously. Check for yourself." said B'Elanna.

"You are attempting to access the obsolete Cardassian file. Why?" Dreadnought asked.

"Oh, just killing time." B'Elanna replied.

"Life support has been terminated. It is advisable for you to return to your ship." said Dreadnought.


"Gentlemen, Mandy, I believe our best chance at stopping Dreadnought now is to set off a large antimatter explosion directly in it's path." Janeway said.

"To work, it would take more energy than all of our photons put together." said Chakotay.

"Or more to the point, it would take a warp core breach." Tuvok said, he had an idea of what Janeway was planning.

"You'll be in charge of the evacuation, Commander." Janeway said.

"I'm not leaving you on the ship." Chakotay said.

"Captain's prerogative. Get the rest of the crew to the escape pods. I'll send the senior officers to join you in a few minutes. We don't have time to debate this, Chakotay." said Janeway.

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