Chapter 4

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At Hillfield International School, although the different groups of the school didn't intermingle much, there were some occasions on which they did interact with each other. Still, you have to remember, this is HIS-so intermingling was kept to a minimum; everyone stuck to intermingling within their own class. Some instances when the students intermingled were during life-or-death situations-also known as fire drills-and during the assembly betting.

You see, every two weeks the entire school-elementary, middle and high schoolers-are called down for an assembly on the football pitch-cum-assembly ground. And every assembly, Principal Henrik makes a big announcement.

Waleed from the Chatter Squad and Rose from the Dozers-both from 10-D-started the betting that day at one pizza. Rose bet that the Principal Henrik's announcement would reveal the location of this year's school picnic. Waleed bet that the announcement would be about a new after-school activity.

Times like this were when everyone was looking for the student council members; because as everyone knew, the council members worked behind the scenes on almost all the school events. So, if anyone would have a scoop on today's announcement, it would be them.

Jia and Luna were walking shoulder to shoulder to the assembly ground when Rose pulled Jia aside. She whispered, "Do you know what Mr Henrik is gonna announce today?"

Jia chuckled. "Sorry, even I don't have any insides on this one." 

"Are you sure?" asked Rose with an eyebrow raised in disbelief.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure."

Her shoulders drooped. "Um, okay then."

A few minutes later, Jia turned back, surprised to find Ronald tugging on the sleeve of her blazer. Aliens were the one group that didn't mingle much even during the assembly betting. "He must be darn desperate." she thought.

Ronald waved a small grey cloth bag in front of her face.

Jia pulled her head back, trying to get a better look at the weirdly tied up pouch. "What's in that?"

 "I'm glad you're interested." he answered with a smile. 

"I didn't say-"

"I'll give you my entire coin collection if you tell me what today's announcement is gonna be about."

Jia-and Luna who was watching from behind Ronald-exchanged glances. They were trying hard to stifle their giggles. The Aliens wouldn't talk to anyone even if their life depended on it. And now, Ronald came to Jia for something as simple as wanting to know about the principal's announcement. Even so, Jia and Luna both agreed that this was one of the funniest parts of being a council member. Jia turned to Ronald, trying her best to sound solemn. "Sorry Ronald, I really don't know what's Principal Henrik's gonna announce today."

Leaving a disheartened Ronald with a pat on the shoulder, Jia joined back with Luna.

"Are you sure you don't know today's announcement?" 

"Not you too Luna!" whined Jia with a laugh.

 The two walked around the ground, searching for where to stand.

"Where's our class?" Luna felt someone tap on her shoulder. The two turned around.

"Oh, Hey Sophia!"

Sophia tried to smile. "Hi Luna, I just wanted to-"

Jia interrupted her  by saying, "Ugh! Why does everyone want to know what the announcement is about?"

Luna shot her a surprised look. She had never heard Jia speak like that to anyone.

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