Two Missing

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"Okay students," said Mrs Nailah as the last of 10-D passed through security. "Our class will sit on the third row of the 'north' bleachers. The tickets Laura gave out on the bus have your exact seat numbers. So, you can go and find your seats. If you have run into any trouble, come to me or Laura-your bus conductor. I'll be on seat number N-07 and Laura on N-08."

As the students ran off to find their seats, the two women decided to head on to theirs.

"Laura, I just got a call from Ms Beeksavor." said Mrs Nailah as the two sat down. Laura nodded. "Four students from our class have to report to the half time rehearsal room. Do you know where that is?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Good, then find Matt, Derick, Luna and Sophia and take them there."

"Of course." Laura tucked her phone into her pocket and stood up, squirming her way past the multitude of high schoolers.

"Oh, and thank you, Laura!" yelled the forty-year-old as Laura got camouflaged in the crowd of students and teachers trying to find their seats.

Laura writhed and twisted her way through the jam-packed bleachers to find Matt first, then Derick and at last Sophia.

She bought all three of them to a corner of one of the bleachers, hoping that it would be less noisy. "WHERE'S LUNA?" she yelled, trying to make her voice loud enough for the three tenth graders to hear.


Derick, Sophia and Laura gave a thumbs up and the four of them made their way to the smoothie stall.

"Not much of an improvement on the crowd factor." said Derick as the four of them finally found a vacant table. "But at least I can hear myself!"

"Good." said Laura. "Now, where's Luna?"

"I haven't seen her since we arrived at the stadium." Sophia's worried eyes tried their hardest to alert Laura without letting the boys know.

"I can't believe we lost two peeps even before the games started!" exclaimed Derick.

"What?" said Sophia and Laura unanimously.

"Who's the second one?" asked Laura. Sophia noticed Laura's shaky fingers tracing a cross on her edge of her scarf. 

O God, please let it be anyone but her.

"Ivy." said Matt in a crisp and clear voice.

"You sound so calm." said Laura, one hand rubbing her forehead. "Does this happen a lot?"

"Actually, yes." said Matt. "People always go missing on field trips." added in Derick. "But it's usually in the middle or at the end. Never at the starting...."

"Sophia," asked Derick, snapping his fingers in her face. "Why do you look so scared-like someone's about to kill your mum?"

"Derick!" yelled Laura getting up.

Derick threw his hands up in the air. "Alright!"

"Sophia, tell the boys everything while I-"

"What?" exclaimed Sophia.

"You heard me. We need all the help we can get." Laura walked away from the table, holding her phone up in the air. "Meanwhile, I'll ask your class teacher what to do."

While Laura tried to get a signal, Sophia let the boys in on everything-from her getting the concert tickets to when Laura heard the girls talking at the cafe about wanting to 'end Luna'.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" exclaimed Matt. "I thought Ivy was up to something when she snuck out of her group with Luna!"

"Me too." joined in Derick. "I thought it was just for a selfie with the new trending mascot. It's all over social media."

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