Watch Out

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"Sophia," Laura gently tugged the blankets that covered Sophia's face. "It's time to get up."

"Laura," yawned Sophia, shuffling in bed. "the sun hasn't even risen yet...."

"You know that the sun rises late in the winter, don't you?" answered Laura, coaxing her out of bed. "Besides, we've gotta leave early today."

Sophia sat up. "Why?"

"Well," Laura began, "I volunteered to be one of the bus conductors on today's trip to the stadium."

"You never told me that."

"I did tell you guys on the way home from the-the concert last Saturday."


"Anyways, I have to reach the school by half past six for briefing and Jake has to reach the school by seven for last minute practise." Laura swung open the blinds. "So, your dad said it would be better if I took you guys to school today. That way, your dad won't have to make a dozen trips to and from the school."

"I see." Sophia let out another yawn.

"Well, get ready. You only have forty-five minutes." With that, Laura left, closing the door behind her. Sophia got up from bed and opened HillChat.

No missed calls. No replies to her texts.

"Oh, Luna..."  said Sophia to herself. No matter how many times Laura and Jake tried to persuade her that it wasn't her fault, she couldn't help but put the blame on herself. After all, there's always someone behind every bad thing that happens in this world. 

Oblivious to the fact that she had only thirty minutes left, she tossed her phone on her dresser. Placing her arms on the windowsill, she let out a happy sigh. The bustling town and the rolling hills beyond always put a pep in her step. But today, the first thing her glance fell upon was, her school in the distance.

 After weeks of preparing and anticipation, today was the day. Today was the Football Finale. Her fingers tapped gently on the windowsill; each tap filled with uncertainty. Sophia and Luna-and the Dozers-were expected to put on a spectacular half time show. Sophia knew that the show must go on. It had to. Somehow.

As Sophia was tying her hair into a ponytail, she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." she called out. "Oh, it's you."

"I just came to have a chat with you." Laura closed the door behind her.

"Right now?" Sophia watched as Laura walked around her room, scanning the walls with a keen eye.

"I came to warn you about something." She turned to Sophia. "You were so upset during the weekend that I thought you wouldn't need one more thing to worry about."

"Warn me? About what?"

"Ah, there it is." Laura pointed to a photo, stuck clumsily on the wall. "Come over here."

Sophia shrugged. "That's this year's class photo." She put on her school identity card. "What about it?"

"Who did you tell me these guys were?" Laura pointed to a group of kids on the right-hand side of the photo.

"The Cool and Popular kids-or CPs for short."

"Last Saturday while I was at the concert paying for the damages, I heard these girls talking about Luna."

Sophia took a step closer to her. "Were you close enough to listen?"

"Yeah, and I heard this girl," Laura pointed to a girl wearing a long ponytail. "telling the others that since Luna and Jia weren't friends anymore, Luna would be 'easy picking'."

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