Speechless and Breathless

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Oh well, look who it is." said Ivy, once her eyes had adjusted to the sudden burst of light. "It's the shrimp of a Head Girl who came to see her ex-bestie die."

Jia took a heavy and cautious step forward. "What did you do to her, Ivy?"

"Annoying parrots don't interfere in a lion's fight, Jia." She folded her arms. "So, get back to your parroting."

Jia took in a deep breath of hot air. She felt it rush down her windpipe to every muscle in her body. Her fists clenched and her face hardened.

"Get out of here, Ivy." demanded Jia, her voice now louder and firmer. To no one's surprise, Ivy didn't budge.

A smirk crowned Ivy's face. "What if I don't?"

No sooner than Ivy had said that, her eyes widened in terror as Jia pounced on her. Through the blonde hair that half-draped her face, Ivy saw eyes boiling with rage in a near pool of tears. Jia curled her fingers tightly around Ivy's neck, her grip becoming suffocating by the minute.

The hearts of everyone watching bet faster. Faster than ever before. The hell-bent girl's eyes locked on the one in front of her. Beads of sweat began to take shape on the latter's forehead.

She tightened her grip, causing Ivy's desperate gasps to escalate. "Stay here a second longer and I can assure you Luna wouldn't be the only one leaving today."

As everyone waited for Ivy to answer, Sophia felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around.

"Miss, this really isn't allowed." whispered one of the security guards. "We'll have to take action if things get out of hand."

"It's way too late for that." whispered back Sophia. "Either way, don't move unless I tell you to. Mr Watson put you under my control-remember?"

The air weighed down with tension as the two remained fixated at each other. Ivy wasn't ready to back down. This was the revenge she had been waiting for two years. She wasn't going to let some know it-all take it away from her. Jia, buckling under the immense weight of her own fear and guilt, didn't loosen her grip-even for a tenth of a second. 

Sophia, on the other side of the door had never felt so overwhelmed. All this while, she thought that they would open the door just in time. Just in time to stop her. But now, EVERYTHING WAS GONE. Luna was gone. 

She kept staring at Luna's lifeless body, fighting the urge to hug her, one last time. A gloomy calmness crept up the corners of her eyes as she cherished the last sights of her friend. Her vision began to tunnel and soon........a sharp nudge struck her right elbow, pulling her up from limbo.

"You were about to pass out." whispered Michael. Sophia nodded, rubbing her elbow. "Wanna sit down somewhere?" he asked.

"No," mouthed back Sophia. "I wanna be here."

A few more minutes of tense silence passed before anyone spoke. 

"Fine. I'll go." said Ivy at last. 

Jia, realising that Ivy's breathing was now the loudest sound in the area, decided to let go. As soon as she did so, Ivy ran out, only to have her sprint cut short by the human fence; courtesy of Sophia.

While everyone watched Ivy being pulled away by security, Michael and Sophia heard a faint beep behind them. They turned around to find that the door had been locked.

"It was Jia, isn't it?" asked Sophia, folding her arms.

Michael nodded.

 The Dozers exchanged glances; no one knew what was going to happen next.

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