Chapter 13

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Two days later, it was Thursday. Since the fete ended the next day, excitement filled the air as the stalls started placing bets on which of them would raise the most money for the upcoming football finale. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation as high schoolers strategized, while middle schoolers and elementary kids rallied behind their favourite stalls, hoping to help them win.

Jia arrived at class that day at six-fifty-five. She threw her bag on her table and ran to the school cafe as fast as she could.

"Hey Jia." said Sophia with a confused smile. Jia skid to a stop and turned back to find Sophia and Luna, on their way to class.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" asked Luna.

"To the cafe; I have to meet someone."

"Hey, we'll come along too." suggested Luna.

"I don't think......"

"Come on," said Luna, her cheekbones raised. "It'll be fun."

Jia folded her arms. "So much for my big plan to meet Hamed on time and without anyone knowing." she said to herself as she waited for Luna and Sophia to keep their bags in class.


"I'll get us some drinks." suggested Luna as the three of them sat down at the cafe. "What would you like to have?"

Sophia handed her ten bucks. "A chocolate milkshake, please."

"The usual." said Jia handing Luna five bucks.

Luna tucked the cash inside her denim jacket and went to stand in line at the counter. There were two reasons why Luna volunteered to order. The first reason was obvious; she was the only one who could squeeze out of a tight crowd with three cups filled to the brim. The second reason was that while Jia and Sophia waited for each other, they would be forced to talk to each other. Despite Luna's quick thinking, she returned to find the two girls absorbed in their phones. And not talking. Nevertheless, she let it go with a smile.

"Two cappuccinos with extra froth and one chocolate milkshake." said Luna, placing the tumblers on the table. "Bon appetite!"

Other than the soft sound of sipping, no other sound came from the three. Luna, with enthusiastic determination in her eyes, decided to give her idea another shot. She took out her phone and texted Sophia. Sophia saw Luna's text and looked at her with a face of doubt. Luna nodded.

"So...Jia, do you come to the cafe every day?" asked Sophia biting the tip of her straw nervously.

"Not really. I was supposed to meet someone today." said Jia, not lifting her eyes up from her phone.

"Who?" she asked.

"You don't have to worry about that." said Jia with a snub expression.

Sophia clenched her jaws and texted Luna. Luna shot her a look-she had never got such an angry text from Sophia. She could see that if someone didn't change the topic soon, things were not going to end well.

Luna set her tumbler down on the table. "Guess what; this morning I made a bet with the party stall that we were going to make more money than them."

Neither Sophia nor Jia looked up from their phones. Luna stepped on Sophia leg.

Sophia looked up and plastered a fake smile on her face. "Sounds fun! How much did you bet?"

The two looked across the table at Jia, who now kept her phone on the table.

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