Sunday Blues II

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 Meanwhile, Jia's Sunday went not too well either. She woke up at five past noon to the sound of her phone ringing.

With a yawn, she propped herself up on the bed, her glance falling across the room on her phone, still ringing on her dresser. With much effort, she got out of bed and walked towards it with sluggish steps. Her fingers curled around the phone. It was Mum. Without any hesitation, she dismissed the call and tossed the phone to a bean bag. 

Rubbing her puffy eyes, she swung open the blinds, the winter sunshine instantly flooding her room. She looked down at the streets; quiet empty now since church wasn't over yet. She felt different today-she couldn't make out if it was a good different or a bad.

For starters, she didn't feel like throwing another stuffed animal at Alana-that was a good sign, she thought as her phone rang a second time. This time, she decided to answer it.

"Hi." yawned Jia, looking down at her neighbours taking their dog out for a walk.

"Glad you woke up!" said Mr Carson.

"We're on our way home from church, honey." said her mum. "Want us to get you something?"

"No thanks. Just some peace and quiet will do. And that goes out to Alana especially."

"Yes, big sister." said Alana, in her usual sing-song voice. The ten-year-old didn't know why her big sister was sad-other than it was something to do with her date-but she would do anything to make Jia feel better.

"We'll be home in fifteen." said Mrs Carson. "At least, Brush your teeth-I can smell your dirty breath through the phone."

Jia smiled ever so slightly and cut the call.

As she tossed her phone onto her dresser, she heard a faint sound of something brushing against the window. Turning around, she found a photo nudged in the top right grill. She stretched her hand and pulled the picture from the corner. It was a picture of her and Luna. They had taken the photo about a few months, at the school garden.

Passionless, she held the photo for a long time, wondering whether to stuff it back up or to throw it. "You're right. Dad." Holding the photo in front of her with both hands, she ripped it apart, a sadistic satisfaction consuming her with every tear.

Once it was done, she put on her unemotional self and went to the bathroom. As she brushed her teeth with one hand, she scrolled through her phone with the other.

She raised her eyebrows as she got a notification. It read: Luna Adair is now online on HillChat.

"Oh, I forgot about that setting," Jia remembered that she and-no they-had put that setting a few months back. The setting alerted the two when either of them were online on HillChat.

Sure enough, Luna got the notification too.

Both girls dismissed the notification in a heartbeat.

Once Jia had brushed her teeth, she headed to the kitchen, hoping that her parents would have kept some breakfast ready for her. Down in the kitchen, she found three bread and jam sandwiches on the kitchen counter. Leaning against the counter, she munched on the sandwiches while scrolling through her phone.

"Since we're done, might as well delete all the photos." said Jia to herself as she scrolled through her gallery.

Once she had tapped 'delete' on the last photo, her fingers ran over the plate, trying to grab another sandwich. But alas, she had eaten them all.

As she scoured the kitchen cupboards searching for something more to eat, she chanced upon an old photo, framed on the top shelf. After a torpid attempt to grab it, she took out her phone, aimed it at the top shelf and zoomed in.

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