New York, New York

507 13 0

Staring in shock at the 50-something principal that is sitting seductively on the desk before me I wonder what it is about me that attracts these demented older woman.

I'm a science teacher for crying out loud, science teachers aren't supposed to be anybodies 'flavour of the week', but some how I've turned into a poster boy for the older, unhinged principals at my school and it's really starting to freak me out

The latest one is Principal Cartwright, she's tall and skinny and wearing a denim skirt that is too short, a pale blue t-shirt that is too low and as she stares down at me I wonder if she's trying to attract me with her eyelid aerobics or whether she's developed a really nasty twitch.

The fact she is slowly running her tongue over her brightly painted lips as she stares down at me with a eyes half open/half shut look, answers my question and I suddenly regret the fact I had a large breakfast.

"Principal Cartwright, it's Sunday, and I'm sure you can appreciate that I have other places to be, so if you could please get to the point"

"Travis... Can I call you Travis? how would you feel if I told you that you and I are going away together?"

If I'm sick now will she sack me?

I attempt to keep the look of repulsion off of my face but I can feel the blood draining from it and heading towards my feet.

This is a joke...right? She has dragged me into town on a Sunday morning to play some kind of sick joke on me.

Ha-ha-ha, now can I go home please?


I don't have times for games, I told Taylor I would call her and if I don't do it this time I know for sure she will never forgive me and the thought of that troubles me more than I am admit

"There's a school conference, Dr. Philips was supposed to be coming with me, but as I'm sure you've heard he's having some problems with his wife right now. She's 10 years younger than him you know, I've seen them together and I can tell you..."

"Principal, please, I have somewhere I really have to be. I appreciate the offer but I can't go"

"It would be a great opportunity for you to network"

"Networking's not really my thing,"

Actually, socialising of any kind isn't really my thing, it wasn't when I was young and isn't now I'm old

"We'd have three days in which to get to know each other better, that can only be of benefit to the school. I know next week is short notice but I've managed to get cover for all of your classes"

If she keeps talking like this I'm fairly sure we're going to be saying hello to my eggs and toast sometime soon

"Next week? Aw man, I can't, I'm really sorry Principal. Cartwright"


Her hand's on my shoulder of my red/orange t-shirt and I'm fighting the urge to pick it off and give it back to her. I wish I'd worn a jacket, or a thick coat... two of them, anything to stop her looking me up and down like that

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