Who Killed Taylor Swift?

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Resting my head on the cool surface of my granite breakfast bar, I wonder why the hell AC/DC have chosen my head as the location for their latest, ear splitting gig

I close my eyes and swear to God that if I make it through today I will never ever drink again, and I mean it too, well... unless Travis is there- but no shots... not ever!

...Not unless he gives me those huge green eyes and that sexy half smile, then I can't guarantee I could say no to anything he asked of me

Oh this is so totally typical of me, sitting somewhere in between life and death and all I can do is drool over my ex-boyfriend.

And there's that word again- when will it ever get easier to put the words 'Travis' and 'Ex' into the same sentence?

If I'm being honest though, he didn't exactly feel ex-ish when he slipped his arm around my shoulder as we searched for a cab last night, or when his eyes lingered on my lips as we said goodnight, I'm 27 years old, I know guys... and I know that look!

Oh my God, I'm 17 years old again...

He's turning me into a helpless teenager and I'm just grinning and going along with it

Damn him and his perfect-ness!

Damn me and my inability to know when to stop drinking!

Popping two aspirin from the packet I reach across the short distance to my fridge and retrieve a bottle of water

Water is the good drink, it heals you... and it doesn't hurt, which is always a good quality in a beverage, it's just a shame I forgot that last night.

The banging on my kitchen door which almost causes my head to combust shocks me so much that I reach for the first thing that I can get my hands on. The fact that it just happens to be a really ugly glass vase that my Grandmother bought me and insists on seeing every time she calls around unannounced is not a bad thing.

Hurling it at my wooden enemy I wait until I'm satisfied that it has successfully been defeated before I drop my head back onto the cold surface and wait for the aspirin to work their magic and bring peace back into my chaotic world

The tap tapping of finger nails on the glass of my kitchen window is the last thing I want to hear and as I lift my head enough to look over my shoulder I'm met with the grinning face of little Miss. Sunshine herself, Eva.

Dropping my head in defeat I reach a hand over my shoulder and curl a finger at her, signalling that she can come in

"Oh...My...God, who killed Taylor Swift and what on earth have they left in her place?""

I search my damaged brain for a witty retort but find only a grunt

"Morning to you too" She giggles and this time my grunt sounds more like a growl "...Although obviously it isn't a good one, what's wrong? Drink too much of the devils water last night?"

I nod and then finally find the strength to raise my head

"And what about Mr. Greek God himself? Did you guys make up for lost time? Is he here? Good God Tay, did he see you like this?! ...Is he on the plane back to Toronto as we speak?"

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