Perfectly Wrong

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I try to make sense of where I am and what's going on but 100 wet dreams are replaying over and over in my mind only this time I can feel them burning on my skin as Taylors hands pulls me in to her apartment by my tie

My brains screaming words like stop and no but my bodies screaming words like fuck and foreplay

Turning to face me Taylor keeps one hand tangled in my tie as she slams our chests together then looks up into my eyes, bites down on her bottom lip and then reaches around me to slam her door shut and turn the key in the lock. Just as the key clicks in to place an audible gulp exits my throat.


"Travis..." the sound of her whispering my name through the haze of desire that surrounds us almost knocks what little sense that still remains from me altogether as she once again begins pulling me by the silky material thats looped around  my neck.

I try to force out some words, I aim for stop but not even a slow down makes it out of my throat as I struggle to breath properly and find myself wondering if it's possible for lust to suffocate you to death

Taylor kicks off her shoes and releases me just long enough to allow her coat to slip to her feet and then her hands are on me once more, pulling my shirt from the waist band of my pants and then letting her hands trail gently over my stomach and up over my abs.

Never in my life have I had such a primal bodily response to a girl. Her eyes are like deep pools of midnight sky, her hips pulled tight against mine as her fingers set fire to my skin

I can't move, my arms feel like stone just hanging by my sides, weighed down by the knowledge of how perfect yet how wrong this situation is

"Travis?" I know what she's asking without  her her even having to say it. She's asking me to participate, to touch her and I want to, God do I want to but I can't, I'm frozen, I can barely even make eye contact with her because I know that if I touch her once or even worse, if I kiss her once then it will be over for me, there will be no way back, no way for me to disentangle myself from her.

I want it so bad that I can already taste her lips on mine, my tongue on her skin, exploring and discovering her in a way I have fantasized about every day for the last 10 years.

I can almost feel the pleasure that just one second of being buried deep in her heat would bring me, I would no doubt be ruined for all other women, but in truth aren't I already?

Standing on her tip toes Taylor slides both hands around my neck and begins placing hot open mouthed kisses up and down my throat, she then slides her tongue down from just under my ear to just above my collarbone and I feel my entire body shudder with desire as my crotch begins to dance against the restrictive fabric of my pants

This is everything I have every wanted...

I'm aware of my tie being removed and then disguarded as small, beautiful fingers begin playing with and then opening the buttons on my shirt

This is everything I have ever dreamt about since I was 16 years old

This is the girl of my dreams, the woman of every fantasy I have ever had, this is the moment I have been waiting for my entire life

Summoning every ounce of courage that I have I lift my arms and wrap my large hands over Taylors. I hear her whisper 'finally' and then I take a deep breath and whisper back


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