Introducing Trev

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As I make my way up the stone steps to the restaurant that Marcus is no doubt holed up in, plotting my humiliation, I grin at no one in particular and decide that I have never felt more ready for war in my entire life- in fact I'm so ready for a fight that I might as well have turned up wearing boxing gloves but instead I'm wearing a black pencil skirt, black fitted shirt and a long black coat to keep out the New York cold. My favourite black Louboutin stilettos, my hair is flowing over my shoulder in loose curls and my lips are blood red.

I look all about business tonight and believe me, that's how it's going to be, I'm going to deal with business, get business over with and then get down to the serious business of kicking Marcus' ass!

I'm supposed to be meeting 'Trev', Evas cousin inside the restaurant but she assures me he'll be late- she's heard he's always late, I don't know what it is... maybe it's the name, maybe it's an official rule- no man with a name beginning with TR may ever be on time for anything.

Images from last night snake their way into my mind and although I allow my self to smile at them, I quickly push them away- tonight is not the night for gooey thoughts of Travis, tonight is the night for war!

...Oh and if Evas 'Trev' doesn't score at least 5 on my 'how cute is this guy compared to Travis' scale I'm sacking her!

Okay, I have to try and calm down a bit.

If I go in there all worked up, then Marcus will see that he's got to me and that'll give him the upper hand. Tonight I have to be cool, calm... totally professional, well until Mr. Gallas and his partners leave and then I will professionally kill Marcus

Is the fact that these thoughts of extreme violence are making me happy considered a character flaw?

Is the fact I'm evaluating my character whilst planning to commit extreme acts of violence considered weird?

Huh! When was the last time I was considered normal? That's the real question, and the only question that I truly know the answer to... never!

Swapping my black leather purse from one arm to the other I find a strange kind of melancholy washing over me.

How exactly did things get this bad between Marcus and I?

There was a time when I thought we could really make a go of things.

Yes that thought did only last for a couple of months but still... when did he turn into the monster that I've been working for these last few weeks?

When did I start feeling sick every time I saw him?

When did the urge to hurt him so bad really start to take a hold?

I've got two words which answer all my questions- Damned Reunion!

Niall Horan has got a hell of a lot to answer for, and if I manage to avoid jail tonight I'm going to let him know all about it!

I was happy with Marcus before I went to Toronto and I know that sounds crazy after everything that's happened since but I was!

He treated me well, took me to all the best places, showered me with presents... all things that had never meant anything to me, but at the time they were enough. That is until Travis re-entered my life.

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