I Think I Need A Drink

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I didn't want to go to dinner with Travis, the guy is a complete asshole.

I definitely didn't want to sit at a table in a beautiful Italian restaurant whilst every female (and some males) in the place stare at him as though he's the most delicious thing on the menu

I didn't want to have to spend the evening looking at the way his hair falls perfectly over his forehead or the way his eyes look like mint encased in chocolate or how his pink lips look so pillowey and soft or how his chest looks so hard and inviting below the white dress shirt that's currently gaping open and exposing him to me. My mouth wants to tell him to put it away but my eyes can't stop staring at the tanned flesh

At this point in our almost non existant relationship I didn't want to say yes to anything Travis Kelce asked of me because he's a dick.

I can't trust him, he let me down and he hurt me and for some God forsaken reason I said yes, and so here I am at dinner with him as dozens of pairs of eyes stare hungrily at him, they would look away now if they knew what an absolute prick he is.

I inwardly huff in frustration and then look everywhere other than at him

"Thanks for coming Tay"

Does his voice have to sound so sickenly sweet?!

"Yeah well I wish I hadn't, there's a documentary on tonight called 'What Your Poo Can Tell You' and I would much rather be watching that than sitting here looking at your face

" Well I appreciate you sacrificing the documentary just to keep me company, I owe you one" he let's out a small laugh and I don't think I have heard a more annoyingly beautiful sound in my life.

God I hate him!

The waiter approaches to take our order and I smile up at him sweetly, starter? Why I think I will have the tomato salad, I watch as Travis' nose crinkles in disgust, Main? Let me think, How about the spaghetti with the raw tomato sauce, I see Travis turning a strange shade of green and for succeeding in my mission to sicken him by ordering nothing but his most detested food I treat myself to a slice of chocolate cake with extra cream for dessert.

Looking across to my tomato phobic table mate I smile big

"Are you ready to order dear?" Im sure I hear him groan as he orders the soup followed by a salad, no dessert

Swift 1 Kelce 0

"So how was work?" I shrug

"Has your boss stopped being such a dick to you?" I shrug again and I see him trying not to laugh

"Did I tell you how much I love your outfit because really I do, you look super cute"

I look down at my white converse, loose gray track pants and white sweat shirt and cock an eyebrow at him

"Honestly, I think dressing up is over rated, ultra casual is definitely the way to go"

He smiles at me so sweetly I actually want to vomit

"The girl on reception didn't know what she was talking about when she wasn't going to let you in due to your 'attire', you could wear a black bag and you would still look way hotter than anyone in here"

He looks at me as though he genuinely means it and I feel something shift in my chest.

'Ugh, don't you start' I look down at my chest and curse at the organ that refuses to do as I say and ignore the man sitting in front of me

"So you were going to explain to me how you werent actually stalking me after all?"

He laughs awkwardly before taking a sip of his wine, I mirror his actions by taking a sip of my water, I was playing it safe when I ordered, God knows the trouble alcohol could get me in to especially where Travis' concerned, I could either end up screaming and throwing things at him in the middle of the packed restaurant or I could end up under him, crying out his name in the pleasure I know he is capable of providing and I didn't want to risk either of those possibilities coming to pass tonight

"Yeah about that, it's sort of funny, not funny ha ha but funny peculiar..."

"Stop stalling and spill it Kelce"

"I don't want to" he pouts and looks like a young boy not the 27 year old man he is

"And why not?" I drum my fingertips on the table to apply pressure to his already awkward situation

"Because I can't think of a way to explain it without me sounding like a...like a..."

"Stalker?" he nodded "I fuckin knew it, you're obsessed and out to murder me after doing God knows what to me"

"Um...obsessed with you? Guilty as charged, Eager to do 'God knows what to you'? Also guilty as charged but murder? Nope, I'm an innocent man on that one" He smiles down at me like an angel and once again my heart shifts and I can't help the smile that lifts one side of my lips

Clutching his hand to his chest dramatically, Travis' eyes went wide and I knew what was coming next

"Oh my God, Taylor Swift, did you just... It can't be, I must have been seeing things"

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up dickhead"

"Did you really just smile at me, you did didn't you, it was a smile I just saw"

"No, I was laughing at you because you're an idiot"

"You smiled at me cos you think I'm cute"

"I laughed at you cos I think you're gross"

"You smiled thinking about those 'Godforbidden' things I want to do to you and how good they would feel"

"I laughed at you thinking I would ever let your grubby fingers near me again"

"It was a smile Tay, admit it"

"I would rather admit to wearing my panties for weeks at a time than admit to smiling at you Kelce"

"You know, the next time I take your panties off I'm going to have that statement seared in to my brain"

"There's no way you will ever be near to my panties again"

"Its happening Swifty, you're ice queen demeanor is melting for me... Admit it"

Another smile tugs at my lips and I have to admit I actually don't feel mad at him anymore but if that's the case what is it I am actually feeling for him?

This flirting is taking my mind and body to places I never wanted to visit again, I got my hopes up for this guy once before, and look what happened he shat all over me, but the way he's looking at me... The things he's saying to me... I think I need a drink

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