Chapter 21: Return of a King

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Chapter 21: Return of a King

In the front yard of the Owl House, Flint and Amity could be seen standing a distance away from each other in the clearing. They stared intently at one another, falling into fighting stances. While Amity kept on her toes in a stance reminiscent of Tai Chi, Flint was in a back stance with his left hand and leg forward. After a few more moments of silence, Flint moved.

Flint planted himself, throwing a few punches forward and sending softball-sized fireballs which each thrust. Amity's hands glowed a dim pink as she motioned them upward in response. Diluted abomination sludge rose as rather than making a golem, it formed a semi-transparent wall in front of her, hardening as the fireballs struck it. In the same motion, the abomination witch lowered her hands after the fireballs were dispersed and sent forth the substance, now resembling its typical sludgy consistency, forward at Flint in a thin stream.

Flint sidestepped the incoming sludge but Amity moved her hands, causing it to curve shortly after passing him. Her attempt to strike him fails as Flint suddenly drops forward to the ground, letting the sludge sail over his head. The sludge flowed through the air as Amity caught it again, letting it orbit around her.

As Amity caught the sludge, it could be seen that Flint was holding himself close to a plank position as he held himself up only by his hands. Keeping his hands planted, Flint bent his legs in and pivoted, throwing his feet forward and sending a fireball the size of a volleyball toward Amity. Amity blocked the incoming attack by moving the sludge in front of her and holding her left arm forward as the sludge solidified around it, hardening to form a circular shield that tanked the blast, but caused Amity to be pushed back from the force.

Gritting her teeth, she held firm as the attack dispersed. Going on the offense, Amity spun as the shield went back to its prior state, throwing the sludge forward as it slung forward and cracked like a whip toward Flint. Flint had already gotten to his feet again as gauntlets of fire formed around his arms, extending further to armor his hands as he slashed the incoming whip with a set of fiery finger-claws. Amity kept moving as she continued to move the sludge around her like whips to attack, as Flint deflected each one with his claws. They continued like this for a bit until Amity changed tactics. While Flint continued to deflect, Amity threw her hand forward like usual, but this time coupled the whip with a barrage of ice shards from her Glyph Grafter. After blocking the whip, Flint's eyes widened as threw both arms up to shield himself from the barrage while Amity added her other hand to send more shards. Amity was losing steam so in a desperate attempt to win, she kicked her foot forward along the ground with a dim pink glow around it. The abomination sludge at her feet lurched forward encased Flint's legs and pulled, causing him to yelp in surprise as he was dragged to the ground and pulled toward Amity.

Before Amity could capitalize on it, the sludge encasing him lit in a scarlet glow. As the sludge began to tint, the color crawled up the trail of goop before grabbing Amity's leg as it did the same thing to her, causing her to fall back and onto the ground on her back with a splash. She groaned as Flint's body deconstructed into fire before reconstructing on his feet and standing over her with a smile.

"Looks like I win. You put up a pretty good fight though." Flint praised, offering his hand.

Amity sighed, taking the offered hand...before donning a devious smile. Before Flint could question, Amity pulled him down, causing him to fall face-first to her left in the puddle of abomination sludge.

Amity giggled as air bubbles emitted from the puddle, until Flint rolled onto his side with his entire front coated in abomination sludge, shooting a half-lidded look at the girl. Amity's giggling turned to full-blown laughter at seeing his expression, holding her side as she laughed.

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